4.17.11  This is just a sweet picture of Lucy May as she watched Kylie ride her new bike!  Lucy you are so cute!
4.17.11  Papa and Oma came down to watch Kylie's last game and we celebrated her birthday with them too.  They gave her the Just Dance Wii game and some money for her to buy whatever she wants.  Grandma Salisbury also sent her a nice card and some money for her birthday.  She is making out like a bandit!  Her big gift from us was a new bike!  Yay!  She loves it!
4.17.11  As per our tradition, our friends and neighbors the Ford's and the O'Rear's came down to help us celebrate Kylie's birthday.   Thank you to our friends for coming.  Thanks to Barbi for sharing their new family birthday hat and to David for his birthday spankings.....haha!
4.17.11  We can't believe it!  Our baby is now 10 years old!  Wow - that went by fast!  Here's some pictures from our dinner out to Red Robin!  They sang to her and brought her a nummy hot fudge sundae!
4.16.11  My friend and girl scout mom Sue was having a 40th birthday party on Sat night.  So, my friend Kelly and I went to the party after the girls' soccer party.  We didn't arrive until 9;30 pm or so and the party was in full swing.  It was a country hoedown theme and they even had a mechanical bull in the backyard.  I was NOT going to ride the bull....but then Kelly and Susie rode the bull, so I did too.  It was actually pretty funny and a got a few bruises too.  We all tried so hard to stay on it!  Happy 40th birthday Sue!
4.16.11  Kylie's last soccer game was today.  It didn't rain thankfully and we actually got to wear our sunglasses.  Our camera battery was dead so I borrowed my friend Kelly's and took pictures until her battery died too!  Papa and Oma were able to come down for the game and we actually won!  2-0!  Our record for the season was 1-1-4.  Yep, we won 1, lost 1, tied 4!  There was a pizza party at Roundtable to celebrate the girls' season and get some trophies.  Thanks Kylie for a great season - you played very well!  These first 2 pictures were taken from a cell phone and I can't make this one turn - sorry about that!  The girls are getting their trophy from the coach.
My neighbor Kathi asked me if I'd go to hot yoga with her last week.  She has asked me 2 other times and I couldn't ever go so this time I said Yes!  I'll try it!  And, I LOVE IT! You are in a room about 115 degrees, on mats, sweating with the masses when all you've done is literally stand up.  But, as hard as it is, you feel so good when you are done.  I wanted to do it again.  I've now done it 3 times and have even recruited a few other friends to try it too.  What an experience!
4.15.11  The girls had pizza when they got home from the pool.  They also painted nails and sang songs and danced on the Wii and had lots of fun.  They made sundaes will some nummy toppings and then went outside for a little flashlight Easter egg hunt.  It was misting but they certainly had fun!  They went to sleep at 1 am!  Yikes - I thought they were asleep by midnight....well maybe that was Jeff and I.  We were exhausted by the time the girls fell asleep.  And the final picture, the girls at breakfast although Sydney had to leave before breakfast for a church function.  Thanks girls for coming to Kylie's party!  We hope you had fun!
4.15.11 To celebrate Kylie's 10th birthday this year, she had a sleepover party.  However, the first stop was the local pool.  6 girls and Zach went.  Our neighbors Tim and Sloane also met us there.  They all had  a good time splashing and jumping around.  The lifeguard actually announced Kylie's birthday poolside so that was fun.  Here is just a small sampling of the many pictures I took.
4.15.11  Unfortunately this week, I had to say goodbye to someone who has become such a good friend since I met her in September.  My friend Lucie at work.  Due to the economic crisis and healthcare reform, Lucie was laid off this week and we are all so sad.  She has come to mean so much to me with her kind and generous spirit and she just makes me laugh!  I will miss her terribly.  Some of us from work were able to meet up on Thursday at a place called Oddfella's in Auburn to celebrate  Lucie and wish her well in her new adventure.  I know we will stay in touch.  I miss you already my friend.  I can't wait to see you again!