We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year.  All my sisters were at their in-laws for turkey dinner so we invited my Mom and Gary and Andrea down to share our turkey.  Kylie worked really hard on stamping placecards for everyone and making up some trivia questions, which was a big hit!  Zach worked hard by helping clean up the house.  Thanks to both of you for all your help!  The food was delicious and we had such fun!  After we ate dinner, we squared off in a Wii bowling double elimination tournament.   Some of the adults had never played Wii bowling before but showed to be quick learners.   We even had prizes for 1st and 2nd places and guess what...............................Kylie won 1st place and Zach took 2nd!   Everyone had a lot of fun and it brought more excitement to our already great day.  We are truly thankful for our wonderful families.
Here's Kylie's fort that she worked on for 2 days.  One day her friend Jessica came over to help with it and then Dad and Zach helped her finish it up!  Isn't it great?  And, then on Thanksgiving Day in the backyard, Kylie made a cool snowman with green hair and a big nose!  She did it all herself!  Just see how proud she is!
Rocky's friend Buddy, Barbi and David's dog, passed away unexpectedly this afternoon.   He was only 9 years old.  He was so sweet and always greeted us with a lot of love and barking...that was Buddy Roo!  We are so sad for them and know that Buddy is now resting in peace.  We'll miss you Buddy Roo and Rocky will miss you too! 
We've been watching the snow fall all evening.   Here's some more pictures from our yard.  Our temperature is currently 22.8 degrees with snow still falling steadily.  We have 6 1/2 inches of snowfall right now....and it's 11 pm and we are going to bed.   Not sure what we are going to wake up to.  The news says that school is 2 hours late still but I'm thinking by morning it will be cancelled.  We'll have to wait and see................
The kids were dismissed from school early today due to the snow and freezing temperatures.    The kids came home and played in the snow with the neighborhood kids.  They had a big snowball fight and then went sledding down the hill near our house with our neighbor Tim and his daugher Sloane.  I didn't get a picture with  Zach with his snow stuff on so he is braving it on the deck.   At 5:30 pm, we had 2 inches of snow on the patio table.   At 6:15 pm, we had 3 inches!  Yikes - it's snowing hard.  School is already 2 hours late tomorrow, we'll see if they don't end up just cancelling altogether.  Jeff just called and the busses are having trouble getting up Smith so we'll see what time Jeff gets here.  Zach just double checked and now there is 3 1/2 inches just 15 min after measuring it the last time!  We'll keep you posted!
We had such a busy weekend but it sure was fun!  Early Saturday morning we all headed out to Everett to meet my sister Tina so I could go to a 'stamp camp' at  her friend's house.  Jeff and the kids dropped me off and we proceeded to get elbow deep in glitter, stamps, ink pads, etc.  It was so much fun!  Jeff took the kids to go see Megamind in 3D while we played.  And then, by the time we were done, Zach's basketball training was already done.  Oopsie!  So, we decided to meet up with Kurt and Kendra too in Lynnwood at The Spaghetti Factory.  We ate some nummy spaghetti and just had a fun nite all together!  On Sunday, I went shopping with my Mom for a delayed birthday shopping trip.  We met at Alderwood Mall at 10 am and had a wonderful time shopping for ourselves and browsing and getting in some xmas shopping as well.   We had  a great lunch at P.F. Chang's and then did a little more shopping.  I got home around 5:30 pm, right before the snow started to stick!  Here are some pictures of my card creations.

Look at this!  I opened the refrigerator in our garage and got a surprise!  Luckily it hadn't exploded yet and it was only 1 can that was affected.  Funny!  It's currently thawing out in the sink...we'll have to see if it still explodes when opened.
Kylie's big day has finally arrived!  She got her braces today!  She has retainers on the top and bottom and braces on the front 4 teeth for now.  She chose orange bands this first time around.  Boy, does she looks good!
Zach spent Saturday afternoon working out with Ryan Appleby. His shot is looking really good and he's getting a ton of repetition during the training. In fact one of yesterday's drills required Zach to make five consecutive jump shots from different spots on the court (around-the-world). If he missed any of the shots, he had to start over.