12.20.11  My very nice friend Barbi bought this for me when she saw it at a craft fair and thought of me.  I love snowmen and this was perfect as we had just gotten home from a Weight Watcher meeting...pretty funny!  Thanks Barbi!  It's so cute!
12.19.11  Since Jeff had to work on his birthday, we drove down to meet him for dinner.  He chose the Ram.  That made the kids so happy!  We had a coupon for a burger, beer and souvenir glass and even got a free mud pie too!  Delicious!  Great restaurant choice and food was good.  Feel like we ate too much as is the feeling when there is dessert involved right after dinner.  Ugh!  Anyway, we came home and he opened up some presents.  Some running shirts, some new tools and Husky tool organizer.  That way we can have some tools in the shed too.  Happy Birthday!  WE LOVE YOU!
12.18.11  After Christmas shopping on Sunday, Jeff and I decided this would be the best night for his cake celebration for his birthday on the 19th, since that was a work day.   We invited our friends the Fords and the O'Rears to come and celebrate too.  Barbi was shopping with her Mom so her Dad (Paul) came down with Jordan and David.  Thanks Barbi and David for the nice Seahawks jacket.  It fits him perfectly.   Note the ice cream we chose?  hee hee!  Love it! Sloane and Kylie sang some Christmas songs to us that they've been practicing in school for the all school sing a long.  Nice job girls!   Happy birthday Jeff!
12.17.11  While Kylie and I were at the Tacoma Nature Center, Jeff and Zach were busy at home prepping and finishing the painting.  What a big job!  The ceilings were a killer!  Nice job guys. Sorry we didn't get to help.  But, we did get you some more paint.  We even got new blinds for the bay window, and a new curtain for the slider. We just need to move the rod down a little - we realized the curtains were different lengths so we'll do that before Saturday.  We moved the other curtain over by the computer window.   Looks so nice! I wish we would have done this sooner.  We still need to put back up our pictures but at least the painting is done. The pictures don't show the true color very well but at least you can tell no more red wall!
12.17.11  Kylie had a girl scout function at the Tacoma Nature Center.  They had some things they had to complete towards a new badge for this year.  The theme was Energize.  Mostly about how we use different types of energy in our home and work, etc. and ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.  They made paper out of recycled paper products, took a nature walk and learned about different animals and things and what energy they require.  Very fun!  A bit cold but at least it didn't rain!
12.15.11  I luckily had the whole day off to pick up Kylie and get to Zach's away basketball game on time and actually see the whole game.  We thought we started off well.  The other team scored first, no biggie.  We came down with the ball, Zach set a pick and roll and he was triple teamed.  He muscled it up and in it went!  Whistle!  Woohoo!  Chance for a 3 pt play!  Wait, hold on!  The dang referee told our coach that he didn't make it, the ball just hit the bottom of the net and didn't go in.  Hold it!  Yes, it did!  What a bunch of crap!  Anyway, I think it rattled Zach and he missed both is free throws.  Dumn refs! Ooh our coach was mad!  Anyway, Zach played another great game....he's getting so good at playing against these big boys who today the guy outweighed him by at least 80 lbs!  That boy was thick!  Zach uses his long arms to his advantage and even though we lost by 16 points, that was less than last year's blow out.  The Mustangs are now 4-2 with 1 game left, on Jan. 10th.  Then playoffs start.
12.14.11  Zach has been using the heating pad at night after basketball as he is having some pains in his back.  He's getting old I guess!  Haha!  So, one night, we look over, and Rocky must have been sore too because he got himself all curled up on that nice heating pad and was just snoozing away!  SPOILED DOG!  But we love him!
12.13.11  A home basketball game that Oma and Papa were able to come down to watch.  It was a good game and Zach played great, padding his stats.  This Tahoma Blue team was better than the other Tahoma Gold team we played earlier in the season.  We beat them but all the boys played great.  Another nice game Zach!  Zach was paired up against #44 who was their big guy!  He muscled him and played really well. In the last picture you can see him denying someone a basket!  Woohoo!
12.12.11  Tonight the girl scout troop had awards for their accomplishments on badge work and community work done since the start of  the year.  We had a dessert potluck with lots of nummy food.  The girls made ceramics back in November at a place called Klay Krazy in Auburn.  Here is a display of their stuff!  Amazing creativity!  Kylie - I love your snowman!  Great job!
12.11.11  Before we put up our Christmas tree and get all the decorations up, we decided to paint our living and dining rooms.  We have to cover up the crimson and tan walls first with primer, then get to the color.  It's  a shade lighter than our kitchen and family room.  It looks great so far!  Nice job men!