This is Zach's 1st basketball game for 8th grade.  He got the start and played well.  It was a tough game as there were lots of turnovers, but as they practice together more, they'll get better.   Mattson ended up losing 51-55 but it was back and forth by 1 pt for the last 2 or so minutes of the game.  Great 1st game boys!  This is Zach all dressed up in his nice duds!  He is so handsome, isn't he?  Looks like he's 16 not 13!  My sweet boy!
 As if Jeff didn't have enough going on this weekend, he also had to repair the portion of our fence that blew down in the recent windstorm.  The fence post actually broke in 2 so he got a new one of  those, some new fencing and some concrete and he was good to go!  He dug out the old post and cement and very cleverly used a chain and some muscle from Zach too to get the old cement out of the hole.  It's all fixed up now and in the spring time when it's nicer we will replace some of the fencing that is on it's last leg.  Good job men!



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11.20.11  There was lots going on this weekend and Rocky was having fun running to and fro!  Kylie took lots of pictures of him but here's the best one.  What a good boy he was today.
11.19.11  Well, when it rains, it pours!  About the time my cell phone froze up for 5 days, our fridge also decided it was too old and before we knew it -  we lost everything in the freezer!  All half thawed out and soggy!  Yuck!  So, we relied on our fridge in the garage to help us out until we could get a new one.  With lots of research and shopping, we found what we wanted.  Stainless steel, Samsung, with french doors and a freezer down below.  Love it!  The delivery guys had to take off our front door to get the fridge in the house, and then to get it to fit in our fridge space, we had to move up a kitchen cabinet about an inch.  Lots of finnagling but you can't even tell!  Jeff did an amazing job!
11.18.11  Today is the 1 year anniversary of  Kylie getting her braces!  Wow - hard to believe it's been that long already and she has come so far!  In February, we start phase 2 which is braces on all her teeth!  Still has to wear her headgear to correct her overbite but she is a trooper!
11.16.11  We had a huge windstorm along with some heavy rain on Wed night and when we woke up Thursday morning, a large portion of our fence was blown apart!  The fence post was even split in two from the force of the wind!  We went off to work and when we got home on Thursday evening, we found that our neighbor (the one we share the fence with) had come over during the day and propped it up so it was a little more secure and not a hazard.  Looks like we have another weekend project coming up!
11.13.11  My very nice friend Barbi invited me to a Seahawks game again this year.  This has been our tradition for several years (too many to count now).  It was a great day as we usually ride the train in and meet up with her parents.  We walked through the expo hall and looked at some exhibits and enjoyed our pregame snack of kettle corn.  The Blue Thunder was also fun to watch.  The whole band just looks like they are enjoying themselves!  Since it was Veteran's Day weekend, they had a wonderful tribute to all ranks of the military and then spelled out "Thank You Veterans" in the crowd with special cards in certain areas to spell out the tribute.  Very moving!  The halftime shows was the best!  It was the weiner dog races....Rocky could have taken them no problem!  The Seahawks had quite a few penalties in the 2nd half and we should have scored more points but we did come out with the win at 22-17.  GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks again Barbi for a very fun day!!!!
11.10.11  Zach found out he made the Mattson 8th grade basketball team this year!  Woohoo!  We were very excited for him.  30 boys tried out and they selected 15.  Zach was one of  the lucky ones! Looking forward to a fun season!
Last week was the end of the 1st quarter of 8th grade and Zach got straight A's again.  Yay!  Great job Zach!  Keep up the good work!
11.9.11 Yep - we measured Kylie this past weekend just to see and she is growing like a weed!  She is now 5 ft tall and gets to sit in the front seat - woohoo!  She is super excited about it too!