11.9.11  Zach received Student of the Quarter recognition from his Honors Science teacher, Mr. Reid.  We are so proud of him!  He has quite a load of homework with his tough classes but he has proven he is quite capable.  Nice job Zach - way proud of you!
11.6.11  Sloane and Kylie play together quite a lot and when she was over on Sunday, she put on Kylie's black hat and it looked so cute, Kylie took her picture with it!  Sloane will be 6 on Dec. 1st.
11.3.11  Kylie's end of the soccer season banquet was at Roundtable.  We do love pizza!  The girls received nice certificates made by the coach and some trophies.  One of  the Mom's ordered  a cute cupcake cake for the event too.  I made scrapbooks for the coach's this year with pictures of all the girls and some misc fun ones too.  I wish I could show you a sample but alas, I gave the books without taking pictures of them...I just plum forgot!  Oh well!  The coach's were quite happy with them.  Good job Kylie on a wonderful season!  I also included a picture of Kylie and Sydney with the stuffed animals Sydney won from the arcade game there.  She actually was able to retrieve 5 animals altogether.  She is the master!  I didn't get a picture of Kylie with her trophy yet so I will add that one soon.
10.31.11  Kylie was a good potion witch for Halloween this year and she looked so cute!  She walked around with her friend Sloane, who guess what?  Was also a potion witch!  They were so adorable together!  It was a cold night but the rain held off...yay!  Zach and his friend Jordan stayed home to hand out candy and Jeff walked around with us at the latter half of the neighborhood, after he got home from work. Thanks Barbi for walking with us too.