4.29.11  Jeff and I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary this weekend!  Friday was the actual day, and yes, we shared it with Will and Kate, aren't we so sweet?  Anyway, Jeff surprised me with 16 long stemmed red roses and a secret location dinner and hotel date tonight.  Zach is going to Jordan's for the night and Kylie is at camp, so off we go!  I can't wait!  Check back to see what hotel we stayed in!
4.29.11  Kylie left for girl scout camp on Friday afternoon.  I didn't go this time, which makes me sad, but I wanted Kylie to be able to do this weekend by herself since she wants to go to a week long overnight camp at the end of June.  There were 23 girls attending and 7 parents.  They went to Camp St. Albans over near Belfair on the Olympic Peninsula.  Can't want to hear all the stories about
4.28.11  Kylie's entire 4th grade classes performed an Eqyptian themed concert.  It was very upbeat and fun to listen to.  Kylie had 3 parts in the performance.  She and all her friends did a great job!
4.25.11  Zach and Kylie are dog sitting our neighbor's dog while they are on vacation in Florida.  His name is Cajun and he is a bulldog.  He is so very friendly but he snorts a lot and breathes heavily!  Too funny!  The kids go 4 times a day to visit him.  They open blinds for him in the morning, walk him after school and get him his dinner, and then when it's dark they close the blinds and turn on porch lights.   The kids are very responsible and are taking such good care of him.
4.24.11  Greg and Linda hosted Easter dinner this year with Greg's side of the family, (that's all of the brothers and kids too), and all of Linda's side of the family.  Linda estimated 25 adults and 5 kids.  Wow - we all were able to stand in a circle in the kitchen, holding hands and saying grace.  What a wonderful moment!  Thanks for hosting Greg and Linda!  Great job on all the food.  Nummy stuff!  There was even an egg hunt for the girls....mmmmm more candy and even some money!  Thanks Easter Bunny!
4.24.11  The Easter Bunny stopped at our house!  Yay!  The kids got some candy and didn't get sick!  Yay again!  On our way up to Greg and Linda's house for Easter dinner, we stopped at my Mom's house as she needed to stay home to continue to recover from her back surgery.  Look - Zach is taller than Grandma!  Well, he has been for a while now but now we have pictures to prove it.  Good to see you Mom!  Love you!
4.23.11   It's that time again!  We got the coloring kits out and the kids went to work on dyeing their easter eggs.  They did a good job and had fun too.  Zach did some 2 color eggs and Kylie did 1 color on each and then headed to bed....we had a fun day in the sun and she was tired out!  Poor kid!  She was hoping to be asleep before the Easter bunny came!  We'll have to see what the morning time brings!
4.23.11  Kylie's girl scout troop participated in an archery class today at Camp River Ranch in Carnation.  The sun was out and it was a great time!   I actually got a little sun on my face - felt so good!  They've all done archery before but since there was only 13 of them, they got to do several rounds.  And,  Kylie was the first to pop a balloon on the target -good job Lu!  Before and after our session, the girls excitedly climbed up this dirt and rocky steep hill.  They were a bit dirty but had fun anyway.
4.22.11  At girl scouts last night, a local veterinarian came and talked about pet care.  He covered many things and 1 of them was brushing your dog's teeth.  He handed out toothbrushes and poultry flavored toothpaste and we tried it on Rocky when we got home.  He did not like it....nope he did not! 
4.18.11  One of my patients brought these flowers to me yesterday at work.  She is having her baby next week and she just wanted to thank me for being so kind during her ultrasounds and for just being so nice. Ahhh, this is so sweet!  Thank you to my friend!  I love them!  And, pink is my favorite color!