4.23.11  Kylie's girl scout troop participated in an archery class today at Camp River Ranch in Carnation.  The sun was out and it was a great time!   I actually got a little sun on my face - felt so good!  They've all done archery before but since there was only 13 of them, they got to do several rounds.  And,  Kylie was the first to pop a balloon on the target -good job Lu!  Before and after our session, the girls excitedly climbed up this dirt and rocky steep hill.  They were a bit dirty but had fun anyway.
4/25/2011 12:28:50 am

Look at you and your catchy titles :-) I like it! Looks like the kids had fun, what a gorgeous day to be outside! Wish it had stuck around!!! Nice job Kylie!


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