Over the years, Kylie's closet has held blankets, pictures, wrapping paper, gift bags, bows etc. and we decided it was time to clean it out, donate some stuff and make room for Kylie's things.  We did a good job!
Rocky loves to burrow under blankets and just get himself all tucked in.  Here he is lounging on the chair.  What a rough life!
I have lost 30 lbs on Weight Watchers so far and Jeff surprised me by giving me these beautiful roses.  Thank you honey - you are so thoughtful.
We had a family birthday bbq to celebrate Tina, Tami, Zack and Mom's birthdays.  We also got to meet Mom's new friend Al.  He's very nice and likes to smile and laugh.  Very easy to get along with.  The kids swam in Delaney's pool (even though the weather wasn't too hot), but they still had fun.  We had a water balloon toss/fight (Big Zack started it!) and that was fun!  They opened all kinds of presents and we ate a delicious chocolate cake.  Thanks for hosting Tara and Zack and Happy Birthday Everyone!
We finally convinced Kylie to get her split ends cut off and get the bulk out of  her hair.  It hasn't been cut since Dec. 31st.  Wow - that's a long time!  Look how grown up and cute she is!  Well, she's always cute but check this out!
Zach loves Sky High so much that we invited his friend Jordan to go with us this afternoon(they have taken him 3 times) as well as Kylie's friend Annie since the girls have never been before.  What a great place!  I know Barbi and the boys told me how fun it was but it's amazing to see it for yourself.  The floors and the walls are trampolines.  They have a foam pit to bounce into and a dodgeball court.  Very good exercise and so much fun to watch!
Yay!  Our new carpet was installed this morning and boy do those guys work fast.  It only took 1 hour to secure the pad in place and cut, stretch, measure and secure the carpet.....we love it!  It's so plush!  It does however show very footprint and our vacuum marks....but we can live with that.  And, stain free!  Happy about that!
We pulled up our old berber carpet and tiles in front of our fireplace and got the floor ready for our new carpet to be installed.  Whew!  What a lot of work!  We painted the whole room, ceiling included while the old carpet was still down so if we spilled, no biggie.  Jeff ripped up the old carpet, the pad, and the fireplace tiles and removed and labeled the molding so we knew where to put it all back.  We plucked up the old staples and used the shop vac on the huge dust mess it left! 
Zach received his first paycheck this week in the amount of $50.75.  He gets paid per month for delivering his newspapers, minus the supplies (rubber bands and his canvas bag.)  He already figured out weeks ago that in 3 years he will earn $1800 and in 5 years he'll have $3000!  Wow!  That is a lot of money - especially to a teenager.  Way to go Zach - keep up the good work!
The kids were bribing me (I mean being so nice) with serving me breakfast in bed!  It was wonderful!  I had a couple of days off from work for various things....dentist, carpet install, etc. and the kids wanted to do something fun! So, in order to do something fun, they spoiled me.  They made blueberry muffins, POG, yogurt, grapes and a sliced up banana to put in my yogurt.  They  weren't sure which yogurt flavor I would want so they brought all 5 choices to me (sweet!).  It was all delicious!  I guess the kids can be nice after all!  So, because they were being so nice, I took them to the local pool here and they swam about for an hour....good exercise.  Then, we were home for 1 hour and Kylie had to go back to the pool for her swim lesson.  She's learning the breast stroke and the butterfly.  Very difficult, but she is doing great. She is our little fishie!