Tanya and Zach at the Thunderbirds game.
Kylie, Sydney and Ian at their spring choir concert.
Here we are waiting in the Cabo airport to go home................what a fun time!  Thanks Gary and Andrea for inviting us on this fabulous trip!
We came to the hotel in the morning so the kids could all swim together and hang out before we had to leave to go home.  We enjoyed the mango deck on the beach while the kids jumped on the trampoline in the water.  Then we headed to the pool on last time.............
Our last night in Mexico we planned to go on the dinner cruise.  Greg and Linda's flight was delayed a little (details later) so Linda ended up staying in the condo to get unpacked and unwind while the rest of us all met at the boat.  We had a ton of fun and were sorry to see that Linda missed it.  There was drinking and dancing and great food!  The kids had fun and we got some great scenery pictures as well as family pictures.
The boys took off early one morning to go get some marlin or whatever else they could hook.  They had quite a time trying to understand the deck hand who only spoke limited English but eventually they understood him.  They said it was quite an operation with the live bait and hooking the fish and trying to reel them in.  The biggest excitement was that Papa had about a 150 lb marlin that he fought for about an hour and at the last second, the darn fish got away!  His long sword cut the fishing wire with all the tugging and pulling. Papa was very sad the 'big fish' got away.  That's all he talked about the rest of the trip.  But what a fun experience! The sea lion that came up on the back of the boat with green algea on his head is named Poncho....apparently all the fishing boats know of him.  Jeff said he had quite a lot of character.
We took the kids on a snorkel trip aboard La Princesa.  They take you out and give you a tour of the area and we stopped at a nice beach and snorkelled for an hour or so and then made our way back on the boat for some drinks and lunch....oh wait.  We actually had a 'few' drinks as soon as we boarded the boat, and then some more after we snorkelled.  The kids were embarrassed as I danced to YMCA!  Whatever!  Had a very fun time!  The crew was very lively and made it quite an adventure!
We ate up on the roof of the condos at the Baja Brewing Company a couple of times.  The fish and chips were to die for and the view was spectacular!  Yes, that is Zach behind the bar.  The bartender saw that I wanted a picture with Zach and he told us to come behind the bar and smile big!  Too funny!
Several times we hung out down on the actual beach and 'bobbed' around in the salt water and enjoyed some beverages before we headed back up to the pool.  Quite a lot more to look at down on the beach from the vendors to the many different swimsuits...very interesting!  Kylie got her hair partially braided and it was amazing how little time it took her...I don't think she realized Kylie had so much hair before she started.