1.27.11  Kylie was very fortunate to have the opportunity to take a 'Kids in the Kitchen Cooking Class' at our Multicare in Covington tonight with her friend Sydney.  Thank you to Kelly for picking her up and dropping her off for me!  The girls actually knew some other kids in the class so that was fun.  They all participated in making a panini sandwich and got recipes and an apron that she can decorate later on!  She enjoyed the class a lot but didn't like the sandwich so much....too much sauce she said.    I wasn't there so I don't have any pictures of her but when we decorate her apron, we'll show you a final product picture!
1.27.11  We got home from work tonight and Zach handed us another letter from school.  Lo and behold, it was a letter from his social studies teacher, letting us know that she named Zach, "Student of the Quarter", in his honors class!  Wow - this comes just a week after the letter he received from his algebra teacher!  We were so proud of him....it's good to be Zachary Carlsen this week!
1.27.11  Zach has certainly enjoyed his metal shop class this quarter.  These are 4 of the projects he has made so far.  He may make one more thing if he has time.  They made a pen base/holder, toaster tongs, a small shovel and the latest thing is a plant hanger!  They all look so professional!  Great job Zach!
1.26.11 We got the pre-sale cookie totals for Kylie's troop last night...............the whole troop has sold 3,899 boxes of cookies so far!  That's before the site sales!  Wow!  There are 24 girls in our troop so it's quite big but that is a LOT of cookies.  Can't wait to see what our end total is!  Stay tuned!
1.25.11  We turned in Kylie's cookie totals last night and she sold 275 boxes in pre-sales this year!  This is 3 more than she sold last year in pre-sales!  Good job Kylie!  Starting the weekend of Feb. 25th, we will be out at the sites sales freezing our butts off and trying to sell more of  them!   Thank you everyone for your support!
1.25.11  Zach's end of season basketball banquet was tonight at school.  Coach Gilbert and Coach Bowen had great things to say about all the kids.  They were given awards by the coaches and then they gave out awards that were voted on by the boys themselves about their peers.   Zach and Ethan Lewitt were both given Most Improved Awards for the season....that was nice of their teammates.  Lots of  nummy food and delicious cookies (I didn't have one of them though!)  Also, it's Isaac Hegamin's 13th birthday today - he's now a teenager!  Happy Birthday Isaac!
1.25.11 Tonight at Zach's basketball banquet I happened to look at the big poster in the Multi-purpose room that said the names of the kids on the Honor Roll!  So, here's the picture of Zach's name!  Exciting stuff!
1.23.11  We were very thankful that my Mom gave us her older convection microwave last spring and we installed that and used it  for nearly 1 year.  However, some of the buttons just weren't working and the kicker was, we burned 3 bags of popcorn and decided that was it!  Time for a new and updated microwave.  Found a good price on a Samsung at Lowe's and installed it today.  Jeff did most of it himself, enlisting our neighbor David for some heavy lifting as I am not as strong as him, and it all worked out well!  It works great and we cooked popcorn just to try it out  - nummy!
1.22.11  Zach came home from school on Thursday and oh so nonchalantly, shared with Jeff and I a letter he received from his math teacher.  Lo and behold, he was given the Student of the Quarter honors in Algebra!  Woohoo!  He received it for exemplary citizenship and/or exceptional academic achievement and/or oustanding improvement in classroom performance.  We'll take it!  We are so proud of him - he's just embarrassed.  Good job Zach!
1.22.11  In Kylie's class recently, they had to do a report on sperm whales.  She partnered with her friend Nichole and they made a poster board with important facts about sperm whales.  They did a presentation in front of the class and did very well.  Good job Kylie!