1.21.11  Zach was displaying his ball skills after watching a Harlem Globetrotter game on TV.  He did pretty well spinning that ball on his finger! 
1.21.11  The season has now ended and it was a good one.  They finished with a record of 7-3.  Friday's game was very fast paced as usual but this time our baskets were falling!  The final score was 48-17.  There were only 11 boys eligible to play so they all got quite a bit of playing time.  Zach finished with 2 pts, 3 blocks, a few rebounds, and lots of smiles! As a side note, the team we played here was Tahoma Blue and Shawn Kemp's son was on it.  We didn't get any pictures of him though.
1.16.11  Along with finding a picture of Zach, Jordan and Dylan together, I found one of Lily and Kylie.  This one is from June 2007, Lily is 4 and Kylie is 6.  We were on the bus on our way home from the Mariners game, when we went for Little League Day.  And, here's a picture from today, January 2011.
1.16.11  Here's a picture of Zach, Jordan and Dylan from the summer of  2008 and today, January 2011.  Oh look how our boys have grown in just 2 1/2 years!  Yikes - wait until they hit 16!  Whew!  Time does go by fast.
1.16.11  Our Seahawks played the Chicago Bears today in the playoffs.....and unfortunately  we lost, 35-24.  We just played terribly, couldn't catch anything that was thrown our way, from our quarterback or theirs, until the 4th quarter, that's when we got our act together.  Too little too late.  Anyway, it was a fun time down at our friends the Ford's house because our friends the Wolf's came down also to share in the fun.  The boys played basketball most of the day while Kylie and Lily played Kinect, computer and also a board game with Ms. Barbi.  Thanks Barbi for playing with them.  The food was delicious - thanks to the King !  Thanks Ford family for hosting this morning - was a great time as always! 
1.15.11  Kylie asked if she could make cookies tonight.  So, I looked up a WW friendly recipe and found mini chocolate chip cookies for only 1 pt each!  Score!  However, once we got all the ingredients together, we found the amount to be rather small.  We wondered if we missed something......nope!  The amount we were supposed to get out of it is 48 cookies!  I thought how is that possible?  So, we made another batch of dough and went to work from there.  The funny thing is, the recipe calls for 1/2 teaspoon size cookies to be made, that's how you get 48 cookies out of 1 batch!  What?????????  Here's some pictures of our single batch of cookie dough, and then another to see the difference between a 1 pt cookie and a 2 pt cookie!  No matter the size, they are good!  If we have any leftover, we'll bring them to our friends  the Fords' who are hosting the Seahawk game tomorrow morning.  Good job Kylie!
The snow was here and now it's gone.  Didn't last too long either!  By the time I went to bed, it was raining and by morning, it was a slushy mess.   Roads were not bad though at all and made it to work with no problems.
1.11.11  Well, they said the snow was coming and it has arrived at our house!  It started snowing right before we left for dinner about 6:45 pm, and this picture was taken around 8:20 pm tonight.  The kids are praying for no school and lots of snow but we are hoping the rain will melt it all and not make it an ice rink.  We do have to drive in to work.
1.11.11  Mattson played Cedar Heights today to quite a crowd.   It started as a great afternoon with the 8th graders winning by 1 pt in the last 17 seonds of the game.  There were a couple of fouls and a missed free throw that could have tied it, but they came away with the victory, 45-44.  Whew - that was a close one!  Then it was the 7th graders turn.  They were certainly revved up by watching the other game and they played great!  Zach scored 2 baskets, had a few rebounds and played good defense.  He even was called for a foul -we were so impressed!   His team won, 47-23.  Very impressive!
12/31/2010  Kylie had her friend Sydney stay overnight to celebrate the New Year.   We played games, made stepping stones and a giant cupcake.   Sydney made her stone with a sun and a giant cupcake with 2011 on it.  Kylie made hers with flip flops and a sun and wrote Hawaii 2010 on it.   We all managed to make it till midnight and we watched the countdown on TV, blew horns, and toasted with sparkling cider.    Happy New Year's everyone!   We were in bed by 12:20 am, but it seems the busy events of the last week caused Kylie to get a really bad cold with a very red and sore nose.   Tanya caught a cold too but not as bad as Kylie's so we are hoping that we can recover very fast.  We'll see how that goes.