1.15.11  Kylie asked if she could make cookies tonight.  So, I looked up a WW friendly recipe and found mini chocolate chip cookies for only 1 pt each!  Score!  However, once we got all the ingredients together, we found the amount to be rather small.  We wondered if we missed something......nope!  The amount we were supposed to get out of it is 48 cookies!  I thought how is that possible?  So, we made another batch of dough and went to work from there.  The funny thing is, the recipe calls for 1/2 teaspoon size cookies to be made, that's how you get 48 cookies out of 1 batch!  What?????????  Here's some pictures of our single batch of cookie dough, and then another to see the difference between a 1 pt cookie and a 2 pt cookie!  No matter the size, they are good!  If we have any leftover, we'll bring them to our friends  the Fords' who are hosting the Seahawk game tomorrow morning.  Good job Kylie!
1/16/2011 02:06:38 pm

I am all for the 2 point cookie. That one point cookie, we'd still have to eat 4 of them to feel like we even got anything. So...two 2 point cookies would be good. I mean was good :-) Yum, thanks for sharing!!!!


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