3.25.11  My Mom had back surgery yesterday at the University of Washington Medical Center, a procedure called a laminectomy, to treat her spinal stenosis and bulging discs.  It was a 5 1/2 hour surgery, all on her stomach of course, and she is recovering as I write this.  She has at least 3 screws in her back now.  The surgeon said she wouldn't set off the airport security wand so that's good.  hee hee.   Her pain level was up and down today and we feel like we may have the pain meds under better and tighter control tonight as she had a rough day.  She is a champ though!  I was at the hospital yesterday afternoon and evening but I have to give kudos to my sister Tina for taking Mom there and waiting all day in the waiting room by herself  from 9 - 3:30 which is when I got there.  We got to visit for several more hours until the dr was done and came to give us an update.  I went back tonight with the kids to visit and will head back tomorrow again.  She will be in the hospital at least until Monday.  Keep her in your prayers each night as she starts the healing process.  We will keep you posted on her progress.
3.26.11  Well, unfortunately, our sunny weather didn't last too long this week.  Today was a rainy muddy mess.  The girls played really well today and the game was tied 1-1, yet another tie.  Kylie played sweeper in the first half and did great!  She is #11 in the pink jersey. She played goalie 2nd half and again held the other team scoreless.  By the end of  the game, the girls were soaked to the bone and freezing cold!  What a game!
3.19.11  We had a rare sunny day today as Kylie's soccer team played their 2nd game of the season.  We tied again, this time 0-0.  Was a good hard fought game.  We certainly enjoyed the 58 degree weather and sunny skies, even broke out the sunglasses during the game!  Grandma Salisbury, Uncle Darren, Ryan and our friends, Tim, Kathy and Sloane came to cheer Kylie on!  She played goalie in the first half, very stellar back there, and then in the field for the 2nd half.  Good game Kylie!
3.17.11 Kylie is all decked out in green attire for school today.  We are even talking green hairspray, green braces and green socks and underwear!  Impressive Kylie!
3.16.11  Kylie got new bands for her braces today and in honor of St. Patrick's Day, she chose GREEN bands.  They look so good!  She now has to decide what colors for next month!  Hmmmm, so many colors to choose from.
3.15.11  Rocky turns 4 today!  We can't believe it!  Wow how time flies.  He is feasting on his frosty paw, a nummy peanut butter flavored ice cream treat for dogs.  He loves them.  Happy Birthday Rockster!
3.14.11  Yep!  7, 156 boxes of cookies were sold by Kylie's girl scout troop!  Hooray!  All the girls did such a great job.  They have many events now that have been paid for by their cookie sales including their spring and fall camping weekends, a pottery class, a horseback riding adventure and an overnight stay at the Museum of Flight.  Woohoo!
Well, the frenzy of girl scout cookie sales is over!  Today was the last day for site sales and tomorrow we find out how well our troop did!  We are so proud of Kylie!  She sold 450 boxes total this year, surpassing her goal of 400 and smashing last years total of 368. She worked hard for every box she sold and we want to thank our family, neighbors, coworkers and friends for their continued support of Kylie.  You guys are great!   Congratulations to all the girls!   Again, tomorrow we get our troop totals when all the money is accounted for.  Will keep everyone posted!
3.12.11  Spring soccer started today with a bang!  It was raining and muddy and even before the game started the girls and our coach put 'war paint' on their faces to get ready for the big game!  It was a good, evenly matched game, ending with a 1-1 tie.  Kylie played goalie first half and no goals were scored on her!  Yay - she has fulfilled her duty of playing goalie for the year.  Each girl has to play a half of goalie for the season.  It was very exciting to see the girls in their first game after only having 3 practices and meeting each other for the 1st time 1 week ago!  Go Pink Ladies!  You guys Rock!
3.12.11  Today is the first day of soccer.   It's currently raining here so the fields will be nice and muddy!  Pictures are inside the school cafeteria today which is a good thing.   Here's a picture of Kylie from 1st grade in 2008 spring soccer.   It's amazing how fast kids grow!  I will post some pictures later of today's game.