10.30.11  As per our annual tradition, we share our birthday celebrations with our friends the Fords.  We all get together to consume cake and ice cream in honor of the birthday person.  Today it was me!  Thanks Jeff for the delicious chocolate cake and chocolate chip mint ice cream!  My favorite!  Thanks Barbi and David and Jordan and of course, Lucy, for sharing our celebration with us.  Thank you to Barbi also for my pink shirt and my friendship necklace she gave me.  Very thoughtful.  I included the pillow David gave me a couple of weeks ago that we are calling an early birthday present.  I do love snowmen and the Huskies!
10.30.11  Last weekend Kylie went with our neighbors Tim and Kathi to the local pumpkin patch and picked out a wonderful pumpkin.  She carved it this week all by herself.   They have these new things called Fright Lights that are kinda like a lite bright.  You carve out the inside of the pumpkin making the wall kinda thin, then poke out the pattern you want.  You put in some colored pegs and a blinking light inside your pumpkin and you are done!  No flames to deal with.  She did a great job!  What a cute kitty cat!
10.30.11  Gary and Andrea invited us to lunch at The Cheesecake Factory in Bellevue to celebrate my birthday.  We had a wonderful lunch and of course finished it off with a piece of nummy cheesecake!  Thank you Gary for a wonderful birthday treat!
10.29.11  We had great weather to finish off Kylie's soccer season.  Grandma Salisbury came down for the final game and unfortunately it ended with a 3-0 loss.  The girls played hard and had a great season.  Some of the girls really increased their skill level by the end of the year.  Great job girls!
10.28.11  It's my birthday today!   Oh happy day!  My morning started off with some nummy muffins and juice made by Kylie.  Jeff and the kids gave me some beautiful opal earrings and a new set of scrubs to wear to work. Don't you just love my birthday glasses?  Very chic!  Had a great day at work and received some thoughtful gifts from my co-workers.  Friday night, the kids and I met Jeff at The Ram at Kent Station.  We had a window table and enjoyed some great food and a FREE mud pie in honor of my birthday!  It was delicious!  As we were waiting for our check, a customer randomly walked up and offered us a 20% off coupon for our dinner.  Wow - very nice.  We came home and I opened more gifts, (yes, I was very spoiled this year).  I also received lots of love via email and phone calls and texts from family and friends.  Thank you to everyone for making me feel so special.  I love my husband and kids and friends.
10.22.11  Kylie's team played great despite the cold and rainy weather that showed up today.  We had 1 sub for the game which helped the girls catch their breath when they needed a quick break.  We played really well today, passing well and showed some great defense.  We fell short in the end, losing 3-1, but Kylie was able to capitalize with her strong foot and scored a goal for her team!  Papa and Oma were able to come down and watch her play so that was exciting.  Good game Kylie!
We were boo'ed this week!  What this means is that someone rings your doorbell and runs away as fast as they can.  When you open the door, there is a Halloween type present on your doorstep with a poem and instructions to do this same thing for your neighbors.  It's a fun neighborhood thing and this year we were given sugar cookie mix and cookie cutouts.  The kids were so excited!  They worked hard on their cookies and we made some orange frosting and put halloween sprinkles on top!  They were delicious!
Our friends David and Barbi were shopping at Big Lots last weekend and came across this Husky Snowman pillow and thought of us.  So they bought it.  Cute huh?  Love it!  Thank you Ford family!
10.16.11  My mom and all my sisters and I meet for dinner every year around the anniversary of Dad's passing at the Arnie's in Edmonds.  This is our time to reflect on the year we've had and I have to say this year, no one cried and we actually laughed a lot and it was just overall a nice evening.  Mom is in a much better place this year so that helps to see her doing things that are making her happy.  Dad would be proud of her.  We all said that Dad would be smiling down on us as he listened in on our conversation.  Love and miss you tons Dad!
10.15.11  Kylie's soccer team played a great game today!  They didn't have any subs again but they played very well and won 3-2.  Kylie scored the first goal for her team and then her teammates Anna and Talia both scored .  The other team tried to come back with their 2 goals but it wasn't enough.  Jeff said Kylie had a great game overall and the weather held out too.  Good job Kylie!