We were boo'ed this week!  What this means is that someone rings your doorbell and runs away as fast as they can.  When you open the door, there is a Halloween type present on your doorstep with a poem and instructions to do this same thing for your neighbors.  It's a fun neighborhood thing and this year we were given sugar cookie mix and cookie cutouts.  The kids were so excited!  They worked hard on their cookies and we made some orange frosting and put halloween sprinkles on top!  They were delicious!
10/23/2011 02:21:24 pm

How cute is that?? We were boo'd too! The candy didn't last long enough to take pictures of. Darn!

11/14/2011 12:19:28 pm

We've been boo'd a few years in a row, it didn't happen this year. You did great for your gift!


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