1.28.12  We met Darren and Ryan and headed up to Snoqualmie to watch her ski lesson!  She was so cute up there and listened so intently to her instructor.  This was her 4 th lesson and she was doing an awesome job.  She rode the magic carpet many times and made her way down with hill using the pizza slice and the french fries!  What fun for her!  We had a lot of fun watching and it made our kids want lessons too.  Hmmmm. can we add another thing to our busy list?  I think NOT.  A special treat for Kylie was being able to go back to Ryan's house for a sleepover.  They had so much fun.  And, Kylie was a big helper watching Ryan while Uncle Darren got some work done.  Good job sis!
1.26.12  Kylie's 5th grade class performed a concert in honor of Martin Luther King.  She had several parts and did a great job!  Not a lot of kids showed up for the concert, probably only 32 out of about 65 students.  The ones who were there did a great job filling in for those who weren't there though.  Nice job kids!
1.24.12  Unfortunately the snow came during the playoff season for Mattson Basketball.  Since school was cancelled, so were the games.  Darnit!  They got back to school and couldn't make up any games due to the spring games that were getting ready to start.  Well, they finished the season 5-3.  Zach had a great season and we are very proud of how well he played!  Good job Zach!  The 8th grade coach Mr. Gilbert is a man of few words so the banquet was pretty quick.  And, while we were there, we found Zach's name on the honor roll!  Woohoo! Kudos to you Zach!  A job well done all around!
1.19.12  The snow was really coming down now and the kids wanted to go sledding while it was still packed snow.  They got some jumps in too on the ramp that Kylie and Annie made. Crazy kids out in the cold!  We adults didn't last that long!
1.19.12  It didn't matter that many businesses were shut down and schools closed due to inclement weather, the paper must still be delivered!  Zach rounded up his friend Jordan and Kylie and her friend Annie to help him deliver his papers in the snowstorm.  It was difficult driving conditions and you can see the heavy snow and ice on the poor tree branches.  Many branches were broken during the storm, but luckily no damage on our property.  And, Zach and his friends got all the papers delivered safely!
1.15.12  It started snowing on Sunday and luckily Jeff and the kids had the day off for Martin Luther King Day.  Turns out the kids had the rest of the week off plus the Monday afterwards too!  Wow - 5 days of school to make up!  We lost power for 3 days and cable/phone/internet for 7 days.   Luckily we have a generator that we used for about 2 hours in the am and 2 hrs in the pm just enough to keep our food cold and safe.  We really enjoyed our gas fireplace so we weren't as cold as the neighbors!  We had 6 inches of snow total but it got really bad when the ice storm hit on Thursday.  Jeff and I worked everyday but Thursday as the clinic and the bank were closed.  The kids sledded or were just outside for at least 8 hours each day!  They loved it!
12.31.11  Zach loved Kylie's bean bag so much (not the pink of course) so he decided to use his own money and get his own beanbag chair.  We had a little trouble holding the bean bag properly so we had a few spills, but overall, not too bad.  He loves it!  Now they can't fight over them because they each have their own!  Yay! Another bulky thing to try and hide in the house...just great.
12.31.11  We wanted to take the kids sledding at Snoqualmie and Kylie got to invite a friend, Sydney.  The sledding area parking lot was packed and permit only, so we found a spot to park and played in a huge snow pile by the lodges....the kids had a lot of fun!  We even had Sydney take some family pictures of us and we used one for our New Years' card.   Thanks Sydney!  It was cold but that's what snow is!  We got in the car to warm up and had our traditional meat, cheese and crackers and satsumas.  Forgot the cider so just had water and Diet Coke.  Very fun day!  Sydney stayed the night with us for New Year's and even though we stayed up playing games until midnight and watched the ball drop, we all headed to bed shortly after and then realized we didn't take any pictures!  Oopsie!  Happy New Year!  Let's hope 2012 brings more happy memories and fun times!
12.26.11  Our niece Katie stayed 2 nights with us after Christmas so since Jeff and I both had Dec. 26th off, we took the kids to Sky High.  Tina and Kendra met us there and the kids had a blast.  Katie loved it!  Kendra has been there once before but we think she had more fun this time with her cousins.  They jumped and flipped their hearts out.  Dodgeball was fun too and the girls even got some good hits in.
12.25.11  Merry Christmas!  We went to bed on xmas eve and woke up to lots of presents under the tree.  Santa came to our house!!!  woohoo!  He ate most of the cookies and the reindeer ate almost all the carrots...we figured their tummies were quite full.  Santa brought an Xbox Kinect for both the kids.  Nice!  We had a wonderful time opening our presents and then the clean up began as we were hosting Christmas day for the Carlsen side of  the family.   Papa, Oma, Oma's nephew Detlef (from Germany), Greg, Linda, Katie, Chandler, Darren, Shannon and Ryan came to the celebration.  Had a fun gift exchange with the adults and the kids opened their presents.  We had ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, rolls for dinner....all so nummy!  Thank you everyone for driving down to our house.  We know it can be a crazy time of year trying to get to everyone's loved ones, so thank you for taking time to see us.  It was fun.