1.15.12  It started snowing on Sunday and luckily Jeff and the kids had the day off for Martin Luther King Day.  Turns out the kids had the rest of the week off plus the Monday afterwards too!  Wow - 5 days of school to make up!  We lost power for 3 days and cable/phone/internet for 7 days.   Luckily we have a generator that we used for about 2 hours in the am and 2 hrs in the pm just enough to keep our food cold and safe.  We really enjoyed our gas fireplace so we weren't as cold as the neighbors!  We had 6 inches of snow total but it got really bad when the ice storm hit on Thursday.  Jeff and I worked everyday but Thursday as the clinic and the bank were closed.  The kids sledded or were just outside for at least 8 hours each day!  They loved it!

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