We went to Whidbey Island this past weekend to get caught up on yard work, mowing (Kurt's new riding lawn mower is awesome - and it goes fast too!), moving branches and logs and overall cleaning of the downstairs area with vacuuming and dusting and washing of windows.  We were very busy but also found time to have lots of fun and enjoy the sunny weather!  What a beautiful place and we know we are so lucky to have it in the family.  My cousin Rob and Jenny and their kids Matt and Maggie were there as well as Aunt Margie and Uncle Bobby.  We had fun visiting with everyone!  Let the summer begin!
We did it!  We decided to trade in our beloved minivan and upgrade to a new and cool truck!  We got a 2012 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner TRD off-road.  It's awesome!  Jeff did the research and we got the best deal we could and we are completely happy with it.  Patience is a virtue and we can sing ourselves to the bank!!!  Haha!  Anyway, we are very excited and Kylie was the only one who was a bit sad to see the van go bye bye, but as soon as they saw the truck, that was all over! 
We celebrated Mother's day at my mom's house in the afternoon and had Alfy's pizza, fruit, caesar salad and strawberry shortcake for dessert!  All was delicious!  We played a game of croquet and Jeff kicked butt! The kids had a water balloon fight and all 3 of them got a little bit wet but pay no mind, it was so hot out, they didn't care! So, Happy Mother's Day Mom - we love you!  You're the best!  I personally had  a wonderful mother's day too.  I got a beautiful hanging basket and new garden gloves and a manicure and pedicure gift certificate!  Wooohoooo!  Pretty toes and fingers coming soon!  And, some nice coupons from Kylie for chores and fun stuff around the house.  Thanks guys for making me feel so special! 
Happy Mother's Day to Joy!  We picked her up on Sunday morning and headed to Edmonds Beach to enjoy the nice sunny weather.  Picked up some breakfast and drinks at Tully's on our way out there.  What a great view we had!  Saw some divers in the water and enjoyed the view of the mountains.  Feels good to be at a beach again!  Joy had a good time being outside and watching the kids walk on logs and throw rocks in the water.  Great conversation too!
Okay, so not my smartest move to not check out the tire sensor on my right rear tire. I drove home from a bad day at work last Thursday and was helping Zach deliver newspapers in the neighborhood when I heard a horrible screeching as I rounded a corner.  I immediately got out and found that I had a flat tire - or nearly flat anyway!  So, we gimped the car home, very carefully,  and summoned our neighbor Tim to help us out since Jeff wasn't home from work yet.  Tim discovered there was only 5 lbs of air in the car when there should have been 32 lbs of air!  Wow!  So, he pumped it up enough for me to get to a meeting at Crestwood and then Jeff and I carpooled the next day so we didn't lose a rim.  Jeff took it to Les Schwab on Saturday morning and found that the tire had completely separated from the sidewall!  Holy smokes!  Good thing it didn't blow up on Highway 18!  So, $698 later, we got a full set of great tires from Costco!  I will not ignore that sensor again!
Kendra's 14th birthday is May 14th but we celebrated it early this year.  We went up and watched her volleyball game at Mukilteo Boys and Girls Club and then headed to Tina and Kurt's for her party.  It was Cinco de Mayo so we had a mexican feast, complete with margaritas!  Mmmmm, they were nummy!  We all had such a good time and we laughed and laughed!  We shot the basketball from their top deck down to the hoop and Kylie rebounded everything and threw them back up!  Zach and Kendra had a friendly game going on - first to 7 baskets wins.....guess what? ZACH WON!  He knew he wouldn't be able to live it down if his girl cousin were to beat him - especially at basketball!  Thanks for having a birthday Kendra - I love it when we all get together!
5.1.12  Kylie got her bottom braces on this week.  So, she has begun Phase 2 of her braces and  our payments begin again too.  She may only have to have them for 1 more year.  Yay!  They look good Kylie!
5.6.12  One of the fun projects the girls earned with their cookies sales this year was a cake decorating class at Joann Fabrics.  We went this morning and it was very fun!  It makes cake decorating look very easy if you know how to use the tips properly.  Kylie made a soccer ball on her cake and it looks fabulous!  Can't wait to eat the cake too! 
4.29.12  Jeff and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary (after I got home from the girl scout camping trip and took a shower of course!) on Sunday night at Mizu....the restaurant by Home Depot in Covington.    Mmmmmmm it was good!  They had a chef that prepares the food right at the table and he was funny too!  Very delicious food and a fun atmosphere!  Happy Anniversary honey - I love you!
4.25.12  Zach made a tile and wood hot plate in his woodshop class and it turned out great!  The teacher especially liked his glass tiles he picked out!  Great job Zach!