Kendra's 14th birthday is May 14th but we celebrated it early this year.  We went up and watched her volleyball game at Mukilteo Boys and Girls Club and then headed to Tina and Kurt's for her party.  It was Cinco de Mayo so we had a mexican feast, complete with margaritas!  Mmmmm, they were nummy!  We all had such a good time and we laughed and laughed!  We shot the basketball from their top deck down to the hoop and Kylie rebounded everything and threw them back up!  Zach and Kendra had a friendly game going on - first to 7 baskets wins.....guess what? ZACH WON!  He knew he wouldn't be able to live it down if his girl cousin were to beat him - especially at basketball!  Thanks for having a birthday Kendra - I love it when we all get together!

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