2.26.2011  Kylie and I had just gotten home from a baby shower and Tim and Sloane appeared on our doorstep with this huge red and white blow up ball!  It has 2 holes in it for someone to climb in and then you roll around in it.  It's awesome!  We were laughing!  Sloane showed us first how to climb in and Tim rolled her around on the grass.  Then it was Kylie's turn!  She was laughing so hard!  Her hair was flying out 1 window as he rolled her!  What fun!  Thanks sloane for sharing your big ball with us!
2.25.2011  Happy Birthday to our friend Barbi!  We are continuing our tradition of celebrating our birthdays together and David invited us down with the Wadley's also for cake and ice cream.   David very cleverly wrapped Barbi's new RING like a hershey kiss and put it in a box with lots of other hershey kisses and she had to find something in her box!  The clue he gave her is 'one of these things is not like the other'.  We were all so curious!  He did a great wrap job!  It's so pretty.  Our picture is a bit blurry but it's probably because of all the sparkle and our little camera couldn't handle that.  The cookies and cream pie we had was delicious!   Thanks for having a birthday Barbi so we could all get together for some fun!  Happy Birthday Barbi!
2.23.2011  Rocky likes to sleep in our bed with us and gets himself all snuggled up under the blankets.  He's pretty funny when he uses his long snout to flip up the blankets to see what's going on.  Ahhhh, so cute!
2.23.2011  It's the big snow - cold weather that the weather service predicted pretty well this time!  The snow hit us on Wed afternoon around lunchtime, only to melt within the hour.  However, it really started coming down around 2:30 pm and I was lucky enough to get off work early enough to pick up the kids as they walked home from school.  Here's a series of pictures from Wed afternoon through Thursday am.  The kids had a day off from school that day so they were pretty excited!  We still have some lingering flakes today and some snow still on the grass and shrubs.  On Wednesday afternoon our neighbor Tim took the girls sledding nearby.  Kylie and Sloane are ready in the back of Tim's truck.  They had a lot of fun!
2.20.11  It was Girl Scout night at the Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey game at Showare Center.   Only a few of Kylie's friends in her troop were able to attend tonight's game.   They got to walk out onto the ice for the National Anthem...pretty cool.  During the 1st intermission, there was a bunch of mascots from local teams that came and played broomstick ball hockey - very funny to see them slipping and sliding all over the place!  Blitz, Harry, Moose and Cool Bird were the best!  They threw out boxes of girl scout cookies too but none came our way...that's okay, we have plenty.   It was a great game!  They played the Chilliwak Bruins (from Canada) and we came away with the victory!  There were some fights of course, but there was a fight with 1:41 left in the 2nd period that actually involved all 5 guys from each team, as the goalies stood watching.  Helmets, gloves and sticks were flying!  It took them probably 15 min to figure everything out.   4 of our players were sent off the ice while 3 of theirs were.  Since there was so little time left in the period, they all came out at the start of the 3rd period.  It was so exciting!  We tied the game with 1:48 or so left in the 3rd period and was still tied at the end of the 5 min overtime period.  It actually went to a shootout with the best of 3.  They shot and made a goal, we shot and made a goal, they missed their 2nd attempt, we made ours, they shot 1 more time and our goalie shut it out!  Woohoo!  Final score, 4-3!  Very exciting! 
By bedtime, this is what was left of the first box of samoas that we opened up yesterday.  This morning, they were all gone!  They are so nummy!  But, there's only about 15 cookies per box so they go fast....right?  hee hee 
2.14.11  We all got spoiled this holiday with flowers and candy and candles and shimmer lotion!   What a great day!  Chocolate at work and chocolate at home!  Wow - I love it!  Thanks to my wonderful husband and kids for their love and thoughtfulness!  Love you all!
2.13.11  So our girl scout cookies have arrived!  Finally!  It seems like forever between pre-orders and delivery!  Everyone was so excited and ready for them to come!  The cookie mom's house was FULL of cases of cookies - all over her entryway and front room!  It was like a cookie explosion!  So, onward we go with the delivery and collection of moolah!  It's been fun!  We even sold more when we delivered the pre-sale orders!  Good job Kylie!
2.12.11  My good friend Barbi was out shopping with friends and she came across this water bottle with a weiner dog on it that looks just like our Rocky!  She bought it for me......isn't she so nice and thoughful?  Anyway, it's super cute and I wanted to share it with everyone!  Thank you Barbi!  I love it!  I had to take 2 pictures of it to show the entire body....he's so long - it cracks me up!
2.12.11  I went with my sister Tina to a card stamping party on Saturday morning and we made 3 Valentine's cards and 3 birthday cards.   It was so much fun!  I just love making cards and scrapbooking - it just makes me happy!  Wish I had more time to do the things I love!  Ahhhhhh....