2.25.2011  Happy Birthday to our friend Barbi!  We are continuing our tradition of celebrating our birthdays together and David invited us down with the Wadley's also for cake and ice cream.   David very cleverly wrapped Barbi's new RING like a hershey kiss and put it in a box with lots of other hershey kisses and she had to find something in her box!  The clue he gave her is 'one of these things is not like the other'.  We were all so curious!  He did a great wrap job!  It's so pretty.  Our picture is a bit blurry but it's probably because of all the sparkle and our little camera couldn't handle that.  The cookies and cream pie we had was delicious!   Thanks for having a birthday Barbi so we could all get together for some fun!  Happy Birthday Barbi!
3/5/2011 05:22:45 am

Thank you so much! I love our little tradition. And....just to clarify. Anthony did the wrapping. He would be very disappointed if he knew you were giving the credit to David. However, the idea was all David. He's good at that kind of stuff. Can't complain about his gift giving abilities either? He's a keeper :-)


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