Kylie (a housewife for her costume), went to her friend Annie's for a party today.  They had a smoke machine and scary music and all kinds of funny food for the kids.    Zach stayed home with his friend Jordan and handed out candy to all the little kids.  They did hide in the bushes and scared some kids by jumping out and Jeff hooked up some scary music as you walked to the front door - very cool!
We finally made it to the local pumpkin patch today for our pumpkins!  Zach stayed home to finish up some homework that he missed while we were on vacation so we picked his pumpkin out for him.  Kylie did a great job lifting her pumpkin into the wheelbarrow and posing for all these pictures without her brother!  They did a good job of carving too.  A Husky for Kylie and a dachshund for Zach.
10/30/10  This was Kylie's last soccer game for the fall season.   Grandma, Papa Gary,  and Andrea were able to come down and cheer her on!  It was  a very wet and rainy day but the girls' played their best game of the season.  After the game was over, the girls and coach decided they weren't muddy enough and rolled and bounced in the mud - just for fun!  Whew - they were muddy from head to toe but they had a blast!  Papa took us all out to dinner to celebrate my birthday, thank you Papa!
It's my birthday today!  Yay!  I had a great birthday filled with many wonderful wishes and birthday songs from family and friends.  I was spoiled with love and attention and I do feel so loved!   We went  out to dinner after Kylie's soccer practice and then I opened some presents.  My excited face is when they gave me a Kindle !   They know what a bookworm I am!  What a great family I have!   Thank you everyone!  I love you all!
Here's the kids at the airport as we wait for our plane to depart.  So sad to be leaving!  But, we have some great pictures to scrapbook and memories to share!
10/25/10  The kids had an opportunity to have a beginner lesson of scuba diving in our hotel pool.  Jeff even got to do it as well.  Jeff is a certified diver so the instructor let him do it as a refresher.  They had so much fun!  I took pictures from the pool side but we also paid for an underwater camera to be used by the instructor to get the kids while they were blowing bubbles and such.  They really enjoyed it!  Good job kids!
10/25/10  Here are some miscellaneous pictures of the beach views and areas around the hotel.
10/24/10  We were able to spend lots of time in the pool and on the beach.   The great thing about the pool was that the 'pool boys' brought us fresh pinapple slices daily and nice, very cold, washcloths to cool ourselves off with.  So wonderful!  We played football and monkey in the middle while in the pool.   The kids had many different contests, such as how long you could hold your breath, how many somersaults you could do, and the favorite one - who could hold their handstand the longest!
10/23/10  - We did it!  We all completed our runs and boy, was it tough!  Jeff and Zach took off first in the 10K, (although they changed the route right before race time so it was an actual 11K race, which is 6.9 miles.  It was 82 degrees 45 min before the race started.  As you can see from the pictures below here, they had multiple terrains to run on.  Road, rocky trails, beach, lava rocks, and an area called Spooky Hollow.  They had to run over logs, under branches, and run on the lava rocks and beach for a while!  Jeff was very encouraging to Zach, all the while taking pictures and documenting the trails.  Kylie and I ran the 5K race which started 10 min after the boys' race.  Kylie took off like a shot in the beginning so I had to chase her down and expend a lot of energy doing that.  We ran up a grassy hill, onto some rough trails with loose rocks, then back to the road.  We turned off onto some more rocky terrain and just ran, walked, ran, walked, etc.  We completed the race together and it felt so good!  There were people cheering you on as you neared the finish line so that was very gratifying.  Kylie and I were able to wait at the finish line and cheer the boys' on as they finished in fine form!  Very tough over all, but so glad we accomplished it!
10/22/10  Zach's good buddy Jordan is 13 today!  We were unable to see him on his birthday so thought we'd send him a special birthday message from Hawaii!