10/23/10  - We did it!  We all completed our runs and boy, was it tough!  Jeff and Zach took off first in the 10K, (although they changed the route right before race time so it was an actual 11K race, which is 6.9 miles.  It was 82 degrees 45 min before the race started.  As you can see from the pictures below here, they had multiple terrains to run on.  Road, rocky trails, beach, lava rocks, and an area called Spooky Hollow.  They had to run over logs, under branches, and run on the lava rocks and beach for a while!  Jeff was very encouraging to Zach, all the while taking pictures and documenting the trails.  Kylie and I ran the 5K race which started 10 min after the boys' race.  Kylie took off like a shot in the beginning so I had to chase her down and expend a lot of energy doing that.  We ran up a grassy hill, onto some rough trails with loose rocks, then back to the road.  We turned off onto some more rocky terrain and just ran, walked, ran, walked, etc.  We completed the race together and it felt so good!  There were people cheering you on as you neared the finish line so that was very gratifying.  Kylie and I were able to wait at the finish line and cheer the boys' on as they finished in fine form!  Very tough over all, but so glad we accomplished it!
Barbi Ford
10/24/2010 08:16:38 am

Wow! That looks like a tough course!!! Not to mention running in that heat, which is hard enough...compounded by a tough course like that! Way to persevere guys!!!!!


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