3.31.12  We had some family come down to watch Kylie play today on a very muddy field!  The ball didn't go too far so there wasn't too many break aways as the mud was a deterrent.   However, Kylie played awesome!  She scored 2 goals as her team sailed to their first win of the season with a 5-3 victory!  She played excellent defense and was like a brick wall back there!  The other coach actually asked the ref how come she didn't call her for pushing....the ref said, it's not her fault they run into her and just fall down!  Hahahahahahaha!   Thank you to Mom, Al, Papa, Oma, Aunt Tara and Delaney for driving down for the game in this terrible weather.  What a great cheering section she had!  Nice game Kylie! Thank you everyone for your support!
3.31.12  Happy 14th Birthday Zach!   What a great day to be Zach....he woke up to scrambled eggs, sausage, choc chip waffles and POG!  Then he got his hair cut with a nice scalp massage and hot towels on his face.  Living the high life he is!  We headed to Kylie's soccer game and then to Red Robin for his birthday dinner.  He opened some great gifts (thanks to the family) and enjoyed his basketball birthday cake!  Thanks to Papa, Oma, Grandma, Al, Aunt Tara and Delaney all coming down to enjoy the game and Z's birthday.  Happy Birthday Zach - we love you!
On the eve of your 14th birthday, happy birthday son!  We'll come back tomorrow and post some pictures on your actual day!  We love you!
We visited Kentwood High School last week and picked out Zach's classes for high school next year!  Say what!  How do we have a child old enough to start high school next year - wow!  Time sure flies!  He is pretty excited about school and hopes he gets some good electives.  We'll have to wait and see!  Here's Zach's first day of kindergarten from 2003.  Hard to believe he's so tall and grown up now!  Ahhh, how cute!
Kylie's 5th grade field trip was at a business called JA Biztown in Auburn.  This is like a mini business, shopping mall.  There are actual businesses and the kids are running the town!  For example, there is a mayor, a bank, a UPS store, Staples, a Papa John's etc.  The kids had to apply for jobs and them perform them while some parent helpers looked on and helped some.  Kylie was the CEO of Chase Bank.  Her job was to take in all the business deposits and make sure everyone was doing there job in her branch.  The funniest thing was that when she got home that night, she was talking all about her day and she said she was so busy she didn't have time to take a break or to really finish her lunch that she had  so much to do!  hee hee!  She talked about writing deposit slips and counting money...at one point, one of the deposits didn't match the dollar amount so she had to research it and figure it out.  Well, at the end of the day, Kylie was given the "Citizen of the Day" Award in recognition of her dedication to JA Biztown for her responsibilities, demonstration, teamwork and respect for others. This was chosen by all the parent helpers ( and some from another school too) that day.  What a nice accomplishment!  Yay Kylie!
Along with girl scouts, Kylie has been busy with soccer and swimming lessons too.  These are all running at the same time and we are successfully getting her to all her functions on time anyway!  She is doing so well in swimming so we want to keep that going.  In one lesson, she swam 26 laps in 30 minutes!  You go girl!  I couldn't even swim 1 lap without sinking I'm sure!
We forgot the camera on the 1st soccer game which is just as well as it was a bit rainy.  Here are some pictures of her 2nd game last weekend when it was nice and sunny!  Her team is in pink, named the Pink Pandas.  Well, it's an alright name but not very intimidating!  My friend Kelly and I had quite a chuckle about that!  We lost of 1st game 2-0.  We lost our 2nd game 2-1.  Darn it!  But, the girls are having fun.  It's a large team with 14 girls so they have to sub a lot to get all the girls in but they are running around and having fun anyway!
3.24.12  This is my total lbs lost so far!  I am .6 lbs from my weight watcher goal!  I was on a plateau for many, many months and hope to get to goal very soon.  Feels good!
Our new washer finally came and now we have a matched set!  Yay!  Love the washer and dryer!  Pretty fun to watch it spin and spin!  Love them!
3.20.12  Kylie ended the cookie season this year with her highest total yet!  601 boxes!  Yep that was 601 boxes!  Whew!  She worked hard for that as she sold 279 in presales and the rest were in site sales or private sales after that.  I was co-cookie Mom this year with  my friend Susie (she's amazingly organized and I'm glad she was in charge!), and it was a very busy and hectic time.  For 3 weeks straight, daily except for 1 day, I was at Susie's house, counting money, reconciling site sales, counting inventory, pulling inventory for the next day, readying bank deposits, etc. etc.  I was dreaming of cookies during this whole stressful time!  Thankfully it's over!  A huge shout out to Kylie's troop for selling 6,182 boxes this season. And, 575 boxes were donated for our soldiers!  Great job girls!