3.21.12  Are you kidding me?  It snowed again?  Wowser - our 1st days of spring and it's snowing....hmmmm...thinking our spring is going to be a very wet one.
3.15.12  Kylie made this very cute sign for Rocky on his birthday.  He didn't want to pose with it so here is her sign.  Happy Birthday Rocky!  Here is Rocky and the kids in May 2007 when he was 9 weeks old.  The next picture is Christmas 2007.  The last one is Christmas 2011.
3.13.12  I had a very ROUGH day/week at work and I came home to these beautiful flowers!  Thank you honey - you are so thoughtful!  I love daffodils!
3.13.12  It snowed again this month and it really came down!  We watched it before we went to bed and this is what we woke up to!  Crazy spring weather!
Zach had a social studies assignment where he had to draw some dragons and other items onto his 'fan' for Mr. Lindh's class.  Instead of drawing them freehand, Jeff had a great idea of how to make a tracing table with our dining room table instead!  He put a light under the table and used a glass from a picture frame and voila!  Magic is made!  Great thinking!
3.6.12  We got a dusting of snow.  Hard to believe it's snowing in March!
Ryan was very scared of Rocky and so Zach went looking for some of Rocky's toys to have Ryan throw for him....where are they all?  Zach searched around and when he upended his kennel, look what he found?  All of Rocky's toys that he must have been hoarding in his kennel for months!  Spoiled dog!  This was very funny!




We think Ryan was a little sad to go home at the end of the weekend.  She 'faked' a stomach ache before we got in the car and it happened at the moment we said it was time to put her stuff in the car to head home.  She did a good job all weekend of being a big girl and only on the 1st night did she cry a little bit for Mom and Dad.  She talked with them every day but when you are only 4 years old, the days seem so long.  We had a lot of fun and we hope she can come back soon.
The girls built a fort in the living room with every pillow and blanket we had in the house.  That kept them entertained for a while!
3.3.12-3.5.12  Ryan came for the weekend while Darren and Shannon enjoyed a trip to Mexico.  We picked her up on Friday night from her daycare in Seattle and headed to the Rainforest Cafe at Southcenter.  What a cool place!  We got a table right next to a cool fish tank and Ryan had a great time!  Kylie and I were selling girl scout cookies on Saturday so Jeff and Zach were in charge of keeping her occupied while we were gone.  They did a great job!  They went to Lake Meridian and fed the ducks and played on the cool new toy they have there.  Check this out!