Wow - been a busy month and we are very far behind on our's a few highlights from the month.  Stay tuned................
2.25.12  Can't believe she's 5 already.  Wow!  She is much taller than other kids her age so she looks older than she is.  She chose a glitzy girl party and she wore her dance costume for the party. And, instead of 'pin the tail on the donkey' it was 'put the cellphone in the girl's hand'!  Haha!  And she had a purse pinata.  She had 2 little friends from her daycare there to help her celebrate and our family.  Happy 5th Birthday Delaney!  My Mom(Grandma) gave Delaney some old barbie dolls and the clothes and Barbi car that were ours when we were little!  Actually, the green car was mine and Mom's friend Al 'tricked' it out with some furry seats and bling and a new steering wheel.  I was taken back in time and it made us all realize just how old we really are now!
2.25.12  I missed taking the picture of the old dryer before the delivery boys hauled it away.....darn it!  Anyway, the dust pile is what's left from under the dryer when it got moved.  Not too bad compared to other houses the guys said.  And, only 1 spare sock was found!  We LOVE  the new dryer and it plays a nice clip of  a song when the dryer is all done.  Makes me happy instead of that obnoxious sound from the old dryer.  Now we are waiting for our new washer to come in - they still don't know when that will be.  Hopefully soon.
2.19.12  We went straight from the engineering function to Showare Center in Kent for girl scout night at the hockey game.  We had great seats and even caught a box of girl scout cookies that were thrown into the crowd!  Our leader Sue  got to ride the Zamboni after the 2nd period since she and the girls got on the big screen and she was selected for their dancing abilities and the fan favorite!  All in all, was a fun time but a rather boring game as the T-Birds lost 3-0. Darn.  But, we also got a cool 'free' T-Birds baseball hat!
2.19.12 Kylie participated in a girl scout function in Dupont on Women in Engineering.  It opened their eyes to different jobs in the world and different opportunities for women in what usually is a man's field of work.  Was an interesting 2 hours filled with lots of information.  Some too complex I think but they had fun anyway.  One of the projects was to build a structure out of newspaper and a long piece of masking tape.  Only a few minutes to complete the task and Kylie's group did pretty good!  They also had to use legos to build a kitchen that another group had put their idea and concept down on paper.  Very creative!
2.18.12  Most of you already have your cookies but here is Kylie before she started delivering them all!  She sold 289 in pre-sales, but with all her additional orders, she got to 346 before site sales even started this year!  Wowser!  Great job Kylie!