5.24.11  We decided since Zach turned 13 a few months ago and also is now taller than me (Tanya), we'd get him a full size mattress so he could sleep better, much better than on his hard twin mattress.  (What were we thinking 11 years ago when we chose that one?  We thought it was comfortable but no way! Sorry Zach)  We got him a nice comfy mattress with a pillow top.  Then came the chore of taking apart the old twin frame and moving the mattress and box spring and junk to make room for the bigger bed.  Zach took some pictures of the project before and during.  He did pretty good!  For now we'll use his same comforter and on our next shopping trip, buy some sheets to fit his new bed.  Out with his twins sheets, in with the new full size ones!  Our boy is growing up!
5.22.11  Barbi and all of us participated in a 5K that was put on by our Weight Watcher Center this past Sunday.  Luckily the rain held off for us and we wogged it.  Was fun.  Got to catchup and stuff and exercise at the same time.  Jeff, Zach and Kylie all ran the entire thing so they waited graciously at the finish line for us.  It wasn't an 'organized' event just a day to get out and get some exercise!  Thanks Barbi!  And, yes, we were celebrating my 23 pound weight loss so far!  And, Barbi has done great as well!
5.15.11  We decided it was time to change out our duvet cover because of some holes Rocky had made when he was a puppy.  We found a great deal on this comforter set at Fred Meyers and even got some cool pillows!  It was snuggly warm last night and made us happy.  Jeff then cleaned up all the junk lying around our room so it looks so spacious now!  Who would have thought that hiding all the miscellaneous stuff would make such a difference.  Love it!
5.14.11  Kendra has now joined the ranks of being a teenager!  Woohoo!  We went to watch her volleyball game and then to their house to celebrate her birthday as well as Zach and Kylie's.  It's so hard with everyone's schedule to get people together so we made it one big party!  Thanks for hosting Tina and Kurt and the weather cooperated nicely!  Happy 13th Birthday Kendra!
We hadn't been to my Dad's grave in a while so we went to put some flowers down for him.  My Mom had back surgery on March 25 and has been unable to clean his grave stone or put any flowers down as she can't bend down.  Well, she can but she wouldn't get back up without a lot of help!  I miss my Dad so much and think of him all the time.  Love you Dad!
5.14.11  My Mom had some blue jays that made a nest on top of her porch light in her back yard.  And, if you didn't know it, blue jays are very mean apparently.  They were dive bombing my Mom and scaring all her cute little birds from coming to their feeders....well, they aren't doing that anymore!  Jeff very carefully took down the nest and thankfully there weren't any eggs in there.  But, wow, did they do a nice job or what!  Amazing what birds can do!
5.12.11  My sister Tami, made her WW goal this week!  Yay!  We are so proud of her accomplishment!  She has lost a total of 98.2 lbs!  Yep - she has lost a small person!  We gave her flowers this weekend but we forgot our camera (I know - what a crying shame!) so I didn't get a picture of her.  Kudos to you Tami for all your hard work - you look great!  What an inspiration!
5.8.11  Oh I had such a wonderful Mother's Day!  I woke up to a nice breakfast in bed with Kylie rubbing my feet as I ate my scrumptious meal!  Flowers and candles and everything!  Mmmm, nummy!  Then off we went to some pampering with a manicure and pedicure!  Kylie was able to join in on that fun!  Then we headed North to visit Jeff's Mom then continued on to see my Mom and 2 of my sisters.   What  a wonderful family I have!  Thanks honey for everything!
5.7.11  As a result of  Kylie being 1 of  the top 10 cookie sellers in our girl scout service unit, she received a free Mariners ticket to last nights game.  So, we all went as a family and rode the light rail system from Tukwila...pretty swift!  It only took 20 min to arrive at Safeco and it stopped at least 7 times!  It was great!  She got a patch to put on her vest and got a turn at spinning the wheel (like Wheel of Fortune).  She won a box of girl scout cookies!  And, guess what, I did too!  It was a fun night except the Mariners lost 6-0.  That was a bummer.
5.6.11  Oh no - it's finally happened!  Zach is now officially taller than me and he's only 13 years old!  Yikes!  And, I thought I was always 5 ft 6 in, but upon recent measuring, I am now only 5 ft 5 1/2 inches and Zach is 5 ft 5 3/4 inches!  It's too young for me to be shrinking so I don't know what is going on......maybe I need to ask for a remeasure and make sure I am holding my neck steady or something.