5.24.11  We decided since Zach turned 13 a few months ago and also is now taller than me (Tanya), we'd get him a full size mattress so he could sleep better, much better than on his hard twin mattress.  (What were we thinking 11 years ago when we chose that one?  We thought it was comfortable but no way! Sorry Zach)  We got him a nice comfy mattress with a pillow top.  Then came the chore of taking apart the old twin frame and moving the mattress and box spring and junk to make room for the bigger bed.  Zach took some pictures of the project before and during.  He did pretty good!  For now we'll use his same comforter and on our next shopping trip, buy some sheets to fit his new bed.  Out with his twins sheets, in with the new full size ones!  Our boy is growing up!
5/29/2011 02:48:20 pm

Zach got a big boy bed???? Yayyyy! Zach!


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