2.14.12  What a special treat to wake up to heart shaped pancakes, strawberries and whipped cream!  Thank you honey!  Had some nummy goodies at work today but the best part was coming home to a dozen red roses, lobster ravioli, caesar salad, garlic bread, and a nice refreshing beer!  Hmm, so good!  The kids helped with breakfast and dinner too so thank you for making this a great day!  Love you all! 
2.14.12  in 5 days we pick up GIRL SCOUT COOKIES !  Are you all ready for them?  Woohoo! 
2.10.12  Kylie was going to a function with her friend Sydney and she straightened her hair.....doesn't she look cute?  I received some pictures bOkay, the function was actually at a teacher's house in Kent (Mrs. Matheny - Hi-Cap teacher from Grass Lake who attends the Hawley's church).  She had a group of 7 girls over to make Valentine's cookies and Valentine's cards for the retirement home of Arbor Village in Kent.  The girls made cookies and cards and went over and knocked on doors and offered them to the residents.  They were so happy to see the girls.  One of the women even invited the girls in her room and told her stories of her late husband and they stayed with her for about a 1/2 hour.  She thanked them for coming and wanted them to come again soon.  The girls had so much fun and I'm glad that Kylie was able to experience something as profound as that.  She said she felt sorry for some of the people in there, hoping that their familes still visited them.  What a wonderful experience!
2.3.12  Rocky loves to snuggle up in blankets and pillows.  This is what he managed one night....how spoiled can a darn dog be?
2.2.12  Zach had special bags with coupons he had to use one week for his paper delivery and this is the mess he created on the kitchen floor!  Way to go Zach - now go and deliver all those!  hee hee!
2.2.12  Kylie sold 289 boxes of girl scout cookies in pre-sales this year!  Great job kiddo!  The cookies arrive Feb. 19th and the site sales start Friday, March 2nd.  Go Kylie!
2.2.12  Zach called me at work to tell me that Rocky was stuck inside the sleeve of Kylie's coat.  He was either cold or he missed her or both, who knows!  But he managed to get himself wedged inside her sleeve with only his head out and the elastic cuff around his neck.  Say what?  I was so concerned, (NOT), that I said to make sure he took a picture of him before he gets him out.  hee hee.  He had to pull his back legs out first, then Rocky thought he was home free!  He tried to run......that didn't work as his front paws are still trapped and he did a face plant.  Zach puts him in the recliner and is trying to pull off the coat and Rocky wiggles again and does another face plant.  By this time Rocky realizes his fate.  He just looks at Zach and lays his head down and waits.  Zach gets him out and he is so excited!  What a dorky dog!