2.2.12  Zach called me at work to tell me that Rocky was stuck inside the sleeve of Kylie's coat.  He was either cold or he missed her or both, who knows!  But he managed to get himself wedged inside her sleeve with only his head out and the elastic cuff around his neck.  Say what?  I was so concerned, (NOT), that I said to make sure he took a picture of him before he gets him out.  hee hee.  He had to pull his back legs out first, then Rocky thought he was home free!  He tried to run......that didn't work as his front paws are still trapped and he did a face plant.  Zach puts him in the recliner and is trying to pull off the coat and Rocky wiggles again and does another face plant.  By this time Rocky realizes his fate.  He just looks at Zach and lays his head down and waits.  Zach gets him out and he is so excited!  What a dorky dog! 
2/5/2012 01:54:26 pm

I seriously cannot believe your dog managed this trick!!!!! Ha!


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