2.10.12  Kylie was going to a function with her friend Sydney and she straightened her hair.....doesn't she look cute?  I received some pictures bOkay, the function was actually at a teacher's house in Kent (Mrs. Matheny - Hi-Cap teacher from Grass Lake who attends the Hawley's church).  She had a group of 7 girls over to make Valentine's cookies and Valentine's cards for the retirement home of Arbor Village in Kent.  The girls made cookies and cards and went over and knocked on doors and offered them to the residents.  They were so happy to see the girls.  One of the women even invited the girls in her room and told her stories of her late husband and they stayed with her for about a 1/2 hour.  She thanked them for coming and wanted them to come again soon.  The girls had so much fun and I'm glad that Kylie was able to experience something as profound as that.  She said she felt sorry for some of the people in there, hoping that their familes still visited them.  What a wonderful experience!
2/15/2012 08:51:32 am

That is neat she got the chance to possibly change someone's day!!!!


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