I was able to go with Kylie today to her 4th grade field trip to the WA State History Museum in Tacoma.  I also went with Zach's class 3 years ago and we got to experience a different part of the museum today in a place called the History Lab.  The kids were paired off as well as the adults and we had to 'crack the mystery code'.  It was like detective work.  Reading the clues on your paper, finding the answers and answering the questions at the end.  Very fun!  Kids had fun too.  We couldn't take any flash photography in the museum so I just left the camera in the locker until we left.  We almost missed our bus though courtesy of Kylie's teacher - Mrs. Ghag- who said - "oh no, we have time to go see the Dale Chihuly glass at the top of the bridge!"  We were the last ones on the bus!  Yikes!  We laughed about it though! Sorry can't get the last picture rotated!  Darn!
5.1.11  We had such a nice sunny Sunday we thought we'd invite the neighbors down for a bbq.  Well, it actually started with David saying he had steaks but no bbq so we told him we'd bbq at our house, but only if he brought the steaks down too.  And, of course, Lucy May.  Tim and Kathi and Sloane came too and brought their 2 dogs, Lucky and Alice.  We were missing Barbi who was still in Florida.  She comes home tomorrow so I know she'll be part of  the next bbq function.  We had a delicious steak dinner with potato salad and green salad and strawberry shortcake for dessert!  We played bean bags and laughed at the dogs running around and play biting each other!  Lucy and Alice even got their little bodies under our deck - yes - under our deck and Sloane almost tried to go after them! 
5.1.11  We woke up to a sunny morning on Sunday so we ventured out to Pike Place Market with the masses.  We passed the Seattle Art Museum and the Hammering Man.  We walked through the market and enjoyed the view, watching the ferries go by as well.  We enjoyed all the flowers - it was definitely hard to choose which was our favorite!  We stopped at The North Face store on the way back to the hotel, our new favorite store!  Gosh - they had a lot of cool stuff!
4.30.11  Here's some pictures from around the hotel at night.  We were just having fun!
4.30.11  We walked from our hotel up to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  It was delicious!  We sat in the bar and had a great juicy and nummy burger and fries.  The beer was good too!  And, of course, we did sample some cheesecake too!  Very nummy stuff!
4.30.11  Jeff surprised me for our anniversary and made reservations at Hotel 1000.  It 's a great hotel on the corner of 1st and Spring.  Here's some pictures of our hotel room.  They had a cool bathtub with the water that comes from the ceiling!  Yep!  Very cool!  They gave us some sparkling wine upon our arrival too.  Very hospitable.
Kylie had a fabulous time camping this past weekend and it only rained the 1st night and got a bit cold but overall had a wonderful time.  They went to Camp St. Albans over near Belfair.  We have been at this camp before but not in these particular cabins.  They were wood frames with a tent like covering on them.  Not very warm but spacious.  Overall there was 23 girls and 7 parents that attended.  I unfortunately didn't go on this trip as Jeff and I were going to celebrate out anniversary.  She did great on her own though!  They went on a 2 mile hike to Frog Pond, made bracelets, beaded girl scout girls for their vests, Henna tattooes, tye dye pillow cases, etc. etc.!  She took lots of pictures so here are just a few of  them!