I was able to go with Kylie today to her 4th grade field trip to the WA State History Museum in Tacoma.  I also went with Zach's class 3 years ago and we got to experience a different part of the museum today in a place called the History Lab.  The kids were paired off as well as the adults and we had to 'crack the mystery code'.  It was like detective work.  Reading the clues on your paper, finding the answers and answering the questions at the end.  Very fun!  Kids had fun too.  We couldn't take any flash photography in the museum so I just left the camera in the locker until we left.  We almost missed our bus though courtesy of Kylie's teacher - Mrs. Ghag- who said - "oh no, we have time to go see the Dale Chihuly glass at the top of the bridge!"  We were the last ones on the bus!  Yikes!  We laughed about it though! Sorry can't get the last picture rotated!  Darn!
5/5/2011 09:47:22 am

I do miss field trips! I loved going on them. Glad you had a fun day with Kylie and her class! Such a Rebel...almost missing the bus...the bus drivers LOVE parents like us I'm sure :-)

5/8/2011 11:57:11 am

That's great you got to go on a Field Trip; but that's not like you to get in trouble - tsk, tsk. :)


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