4.30.11  Jeff surprised me for our anniversary and made reservations at Hotel 1000.  It 's a great hotel on the corner of 1st and Spring.  Here's some pictures of our hotel room.  They had a cool bathtub with the water that comes from the ceiling!  Yep!  Very cool!  They gave us some sparkling wine upon our arrival too.  Very hospitable.
5/5/2011 09:42:16 am

Look at you and your skinny self!!! The hotel looks beautiful. I like the playful touch in a luxurious hotel of the bright yellow rubber duck on the bath tub!

D. Ford
5/6/2011 09:17:33 am

Damn Jeff! You're setting a bad example for the rest of us guys! But then again, you guys are still newlyweds compared to Barb and I! :-)

5/8/2011 05:26:21 am

Hey,Jeff, you are the man! What a great surprise for Tanya. Room looks pretty nice!

5/8/2011 12:04:15 pm

very pretty room! Great job Jeff on the surprise for your anniversary!


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