5.1.11  We had such a nice sunny Sunday we thought we'd invite the neighbors down for a bbq.  Well, it actually started with David saying he had steaks but no bbq so we told him we'd bbq at our house, but only if he brought the steaks down too.  And, of course, Lucy May.  Tim and Kathi and Sloane came too and brought their 2 dogs, Lucky and Alice.  We were missing Barbi who was still in Florida.  She comes home tomorrow so I know she'll be part of  the next bbq function.  We had a delicious steak dinner with potato salad and green salad and strawberry shortcake for dessert!  We played bean bags and laughed at the dogs running around and play biting each other!  Lucy and Alice even got their little bodies under our deck - yes - under our deck and Sloane almost tried to go after them! 
5/5/2011 09:45:40 am

Dang it! I missed a BBQ! I am so glad it is getting to be BBQ gathering season!!!!


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