5.7.11  As a result of  Kylie being 1 of  the top 10 cookie sellers in our girl scout service unit, she received a free Mariners ticket to last nights game.  So, we all went as a family and rode the light rail system from Tukwila...pretty swift!  It only took 20 min to arrive at Safeco and it stopped at least 7 times!  It was great!  She got a patch to put on her vest and got a turn at spinning the wheel (like Wheel of Fortune).  She won a box of girl scout cookies!  And, guess what, I did too!  It was a fun night except the Mariners lost 6-0.  That was a bummer.
5/8/2011 01:16:09 pm

Ouch. The score was kind of a bummer but that is so fun you got to go to the game! Congratulations to Kylie. I am pretty certain we assisted heavily in getting her there - HA!

5/8/2011 01:16:37 pm

Oh - and my butt shows it, as well as my continuing membership to WW - HA!


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