Kylie's 5th grade field trip was at a business called JA Biztown in Auburn.  This is like a mini business, shopping mall.  There are actual businesses and the kids are running the town!  For example, there is a mayor, a bank, a UPS store, Staples, a Papa John's etc.  The kids had to apply for jobs and them perform them while some parent helpers looked on and helped some.  Kylie was the CEO of Chase Bank.  Her job was to take in all the business deposits and make sure everyone was doing there job in her branch.  The funniest thing was that when she got home that night, she was talking all about her day and she said she was so busy she didn't have time to take a break or to really finish her lunch that she had  so much to do!  hee hee!  She talked about writing deposit slips and counting one point, one of the deposits didn't match the dollar amount so she had to research it and figure it out.  Well, at the end of the day, Kylie was given the "Citizen of the Day" Award in recognition of her dedication to JA Biztown for her responsibilities, demonstration, teamwork and respect for others. This was chosen by all the parent helpers ( and some from another school too) that day.  What a nice accomplishment!  Yay Kylie!
4/11/2012 10:58:49 am

I went on that field trip and I have to is a wonderful, fun, learning experience for the kids! Just awesome! CEO....taking after her dad!?!


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