3.31.12  We had some family come down to watch Kylie play today on a very muddy field!  The ball didn't go too far so there wasn't too many break aways as the mud was a deterrent.   However, Kylie played awesome!  She scored 2 goals as her team sailed to their first win of the season with a 5-3 victory!  She played excellent defense and was like a brick wall back there!  The other coach actually asked the ref how come she didn't call her for pushing....the ref said, it's not her fault they run into her and just fall down!  Hahahahahahaha!   Thank you to Mom, Al, Papa, Oma, Aunt Tara and Delaney for driving down for the game in this terrible weather.  What a great cheering section she had!  Nice game Kylie! Thank you everyone for your support!
Aunt Tara
3/31/2012 02:35:12 pm

Kylie you did so good today congrats on your goals and for your team getting their first win! Yahoo! You have excellent foot work in front and also great defensive skills. Very proud of you! Glad we finally got to see you play! Keep up the hard work!

4/11/2012 10:54:26 am

Glad everyone got to come and that she played well, and came away with a win! Win - win, HA!!!!


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