3.20.12  Kylie ended the cookie season this year with her highest total yet!  601 boxes!  Yep that was 601 boxes!  Whew!  She worked hard for that as she sold 279 in presales and the rest were in site sales or private sales after that.  I was co-cookie Mom this year with  my friend Susie (she's amazingly organized and I'm glad she was in charge!), and it was a very busy and hectic time.  For 3 weeks straight, daily except for 1 day, I was at Susie's house, counting money, reconciling site sales, counting inventory, pulling inventory for the next day, readying bank deposits, etc. etc.  I was dreaming of cookies during this whole stressful time!  Thankfully it's over!  A huge shout out to Kylie's troop for selling 6,182 boxes this season. And, 575 boxes were donated for our soldiers!  Great job girls! 

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