Kylie (a housewife for her costume), went to her friend Annie's for a party today.  They had a smoke machine and scary music and all kinds of funny food for the kids.    Zach stayed home with his friend Jordan and handed out candy to all the little kids.  They did hide in the bushes and scared some kids by jumping out and Jeff hooked up some scary music as you walked to the front door - very cool!
11/2/2010 12:35:24 am

I really like Kylie's costume. Great idea!!! An don't have to buy anything!!! Thanks to Jeff to letting Jordan in on their festivities....I'm such a bah hum bug...and thanks to Tracy for hosting ignore the door and watch a chick flick night!!!!!

Love you Rocky pumpkin...and Jordan carved a Husky pumpkin too - funny! Same design!

11/17/2010 01:22:58 pm

Great costume, Kylie! Cool carvings on the pumpkins!


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