2.26.2011  Kylie and I had just gotten home from a baby shower and Tim and Sloane appeared on our doorstep with this huge red and white blow up ball!  It has 2 holes in it for someone to climb in and then you roll around in it.  It's awesome!  We were laughing!  Sloane showed us first how to climb in and Tim rolled her around on the grass.  Then it was Kylie's turn!  She was laughing so hard!  Her hair was flying out 1 window as he rolled her!  What fun!  Thanks sloane for sharing your big ball with us!
3/5/2011 05:23:29 am

All these fun new fangled toys. We are old enough to say...they didn't have THAT kind of stuff when we were little! That ball does look like fun though!

3/9/2011 07:20:49 am

Haven't you guys been doing anything? Come on now, it's March already!!!


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