2.5.11  Crestwood was hosting the annual science fair and Kylie went with her friend Sydney.  They learned a bunch of interesting facts and made some cool gadgets.  One of the things they did was plant a pea seed in a small styrofoam cup with instructions on watering and fertilizing.  This is how much it's grown in just 8 days!  Impressive!
2.5.11  Zach's report card came in the mail this week.  Yay!  He got all A's for 2nd quarter, thus getting straight A's for the first semester with a 4.0 GPA!  We are very proud of him!  Papa said he was so impressed with Zach getting all A's in his tough classes so he said he'd give him some monetary compensation for his efforts.  Boy did that get a smile out of Zach!  Woohoo!  Good job Zachary!
2.4.11  Kylie got her bands changed on her braces this week and chose red and pink bands in honor of Valentine's Day!  It's hard to believe how much her teeth have moved in just 3 months!  Amazing!  Looking good girl!
2.4.11  The award ceremony for Student of  the Quarter was held on a Friday afternoon and what a great way to get an afternoon off I tell ya!  Zach's Papa Gary drove over from Kingston for the event and Jeff and I were present as well.  He was quite embarrassed to be standing up in front with all his peers and of course because I was trying to get his attention for a picture....can you tell he didn't want me to take one?  That's too bad.