12.31.11  We wanted to take the kids sledding at Snoqualmie and Kylie got to invite a friend, Sydney.  The sledding area parking lot was packed and permit only, so we found a spot to park and played in a huge snow pile by the lodges....the kids had a lot of fun!  We even had Sydney take some family pictures of us and we used one for our New Years' card.   Thanks Sydney!  It was cold but that's what snow is!  We got in the car to warm up and had our traditional meat, cheese and crackers and satsumas.  Forgot the cider so just had water and Diet Coke.  Very fun day!  Sydney stayed the night with us for New Year's and even though we stayed up playing games until midnight and watched the ball drop, we all headed to bed shortly after and then realized we didn't take any pictures!  Oopsie!  Happy New Year!  Let's hope 2012 brings more happy memories and fun times!
1/5/2012 02:37:05 pm

Great pictures! Loved your new years card! That is the way to go! I got a ton of Christmas cards and only 2 new years ones. You are on to something!


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