12.25.11  Merry Christmas!  We went to bed on xmas eve and woke up to lots of presents under the tree.  Santa came to our house!!!  woohoo!  He ate most of the cookies and the reindeer ate almost all the carrots...we figured their tummies were quite full.  Santa brought an Xbox Kinect for both the kids.  Nice!  We had a wonderful time opening our presents and then the clean up began as we were hosting Christmas day for the Carlsen side of  the family.   Papa, Oma, Oma's nephew Detlef (from Germany), Greg, Linda, Katie, Chandler, Darren, Shannon and Ryan came to the celebration.  Had a fun gift exchange with the adults and the kids opened their presents.  We had ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, rolls for dinner....all so nummy!  Thank you everyone for driving down to our house.  We know it can be a crazy time of year trying to get to everyone's loved ones, so thank you for taking time to see us.  It was fun. 
1/5/2012 02:35:00 pm

Wow! Weren't you just the hostess with the mostess??


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