10.28.11  It's my birthday today!   Oh happy day!  My morning started off with some nummy muffins and juice made by Kylie.  Jeff and the kids gave me some beautiful opal earrings and a new set of scrubs to wear to work. Don't you just love my birthday glasses?  Very chic!  Had a great day at work and received some thoughtful gifts from my co-workers.  Friday night, the kids and I met Jeff at The Ram at Kent Station.  We had a window table and enjoyed some great food and a FREE mud pie in honor of my birthday!  It was delicious!  As we were waiting for our check, a customer randomly walked up and offered us a 20% off coupon for our dinner.  Wow - very nice.  We came home and I opened more gifts, (yes, I was very spoiled this year).  I also received lots of love via email and phone calls and texts from family and friends.  Thank you to everyone for making me feel so special.  I love my husband and kids and friends.
11/2/2011 01:38:43 am

Score!!! :-)

11/14/2011 12:16:49 pm

Yes, awesome gifts and I can say happy belated birthday on the BLOG! :)


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