10.30.11  Last weekend Kylie went with our neighbors Tim and Kathi to the local pumpkin patch and picked out a wonderful pumpkin.  She carved it this week all by herself.   They have these new things called Fright Lights that are kinda like a lite bright.  You carve out the inside of the pumpkin making the wall kinda thin, then poke out the pattern you want.  You put in some colored pegs and a blinking light inside your pumpkin and you are done!  No flames to deal with.  She did a great job!  What a cute kitty cat!
11/2/2011 01:40:17 am

What a cool idea!

11/14/2011 12:14:02 pm

hey, we'll have to do that next year. We didn't get our pumpkin until the day before and then Kendra just drew her face on. It was still cute though! Kylie - cute pumpkin!


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