3.25.11  My Mom had back surgery yesterday at the University of Washington Medical Center, a procedure called a laminectomy, to treat her spinal stenosis and bulging discs.  It was a 5 1/2 hour surgery, all on her stomach of course, and she is recovering as I write this.  She has at least 3 screws in her back now.  The surgeon said she wouldn't set off the airport security wand so that's good.  hee hee.   Her pain level was up and down today and we feel like we may have the pain meds under better and tighter control tonight as she had a rough day.  She is a champ though!  I was at the hospital yesterday afternoon and evening but I have to give kudos to my sister Tina for taking Mom there and waiting all day in the waiting room by herself  from 9 - 3:30 which is when I got there.  We got to visit for several more hours until the dr was done and came to give us an update.  I went back tonight with the kids to visit and will head back tomorrow again.  She will be in the hospital at least until Monday.  Keep her in your prayers each night as she starts the healing process.  We will keep you posted on her progress.
3/28/2011 12:22:24 am

Prayers for a speedy recovery for your mom and hoping she is back to her spunky self soon! Traveling all over everywhere!

3/29/2011 01:45:16 pm

How is your mom? Is she home now? Resting comfortably I hope??? Still sending up prayers for her...


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