1.27.11  Kylie was very fortunate to have the opportunity to take a 'Kids in the Kitchen Cooking Class' at our Multicare in Covington tonight with her friend Sydney.  Thank you to Kelly for picking her up and dropping her off for me!  The girls actually knew some other kids in the class so that was fun.  They all participated in making a panini sandwich and got recipes and an apron that she can decorate later on!  She enjoyed the class a lot but didn't like the sandwich so much....too much sauce she said.    I wasn't there so I don't have any pictures of her but when we decorate her apron, we'll show you a final product picture!
1/28/2011 12:28:50 am

Fun times, I love cooking! Can't wait to see your decorated apron.

1/29/2011 09:30:20 am

Very cool Kylie good job

1/30/2011 11:57:07 pm

That is so cool. I'm glad she did that. I saw that advertised and thought Jordan might have liked it, but too much going on...so passed on it. I'm glad she had fun! I like panini sandwiches...sounds like we'll have to invite ourselves down for dinner one evening!!!!!

1/31/2011 01:50:17 pm

Next time I visit, you'll have to make me a panini!

2/9/2011 07:10:28 am

Getting bored here. Time for some new posts!


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