1.23.11  We were very thankful that my Mom gave us her older convection microwave last spring and we installed that and used it  for nearly 1 year.  However, some of the buttons just weren't working and the kicker was, we burned 3 bags of popcorn and decided that was it!  Time for a new and updated microwave.  Found a good price on a Samsung at Lowe's and installed it today.  Jeff did most of it himself, enlisting our neighbor David for some heavy lifting as I am not as strong as him, and it all worked out well!  It works great and we cooked popcorn just to try it out  - nummy!
1/24/2011 12:31:48 am

It looks so snazzy and fancy! And the ecstatic look on Zach's face (haha!) makes it all worth while, doesn't it?

1/28/2011 12:46:05 am

Good job Jeff! (and David!)


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