We took the glass bottom taxi boat from our beach over to Pelican Rock to snorkel and hang out.  The driver took us along the coast of the Sea of Cortez, enjoying all the landmarks, including the famous arc and then out to the tip of the island and around to the Pacific side of the ocean where all the rough water is.  Such beautiful scenery!  We brought bread with us to feed the fish...they actually nibbled Zach's fingers and chest they were so close to him.
Of course every day we were at the pool enjoying ourselves!  I don't believe Kylie ever sat out on a chair to sun herself...she is officially a fish!  The kids had so much fun as did we.  I even jumped in the pool several times despite my fear of being underwater....shows what a little cerveza will do for you.  hee hee.  The kids had quite a few handstand contests and I think Kylie won every time!  Zach was incensed!  His long legs just make him topple over.  We had fun ordering drinks up at the swim up bar and took advantage of the happy hour 2 for 1 drinks! We even enjoyed our
We bought some tequila and margarita mix so we could mix our own in our room and save some dinero!  It was very fun and relaxing.
Such a great backdrop to take numerous pictures on the balcony.  Zach didn't enjoy that so much...only let us take a couple of him. Kylie however, loves to have her picture taken.  Thanks Kylie!
We had a beautiful suite on the 7th floor of the timeshare condos.  We had a great view of the ocean and the beach front.  What a nice way to wake up in the morning.
On a very early morning on the 29th of Sept, we left for our vacation to Cabo San Lucas!  Here we are at the airport - as white as can be.  Off we goooooooooooooooooooo!
Fall soccer has arrived and Kylie is on the Bulldogs.  The girls worked together so well all season.  Most of the girls had been playing several years so it was fun to have Kylie on a team that had some success finally. Kylie scored 12 goals in 6 games.  What a fun season!  The weather ranged from 90 plus degrees on the 1st game to freezing by the end of the season which is typical for our weather.  Great job Kylie!
We headed up to Whidbey on Sunday of Labor Day weekend to have one last fun time and to help with the put away of all the summer fun!  The kids took the Whaler out to the tide flats for their last swimming adventure and unfortunately, the boat motor wouldn't start so they called us for a rescue!  I got to go out with Uncle Bobby in his big boat to rescue the kids.  It was a lot of fun! I hadn't been on his boat in a while so we slowly made our way there and tied the kids up and towed them back home.  The boys came to shore in the kayak and the girls paddled their way in so we could pull the boat for the season.  Very sad to have to close down Whidbey but it must be done!  We took the canopy down from the platform and put away the outdoor sink and picnic table till next spring.  Ohhh the memories!
Zach's first day of Kentwood high school has officially arrived!  And, it's the 1st day of Kylie's last year at Crestwood Elementary.  Where did the time go?  Since high school starts so much earlier than elementary school, I unfortunately didn't get a picture of the 2 kids together this morning...dang, that's the first time. Bummer huh!  Oh well, you can still see how old they are getting and how much taller both of them are! Yikes!
We headed down to Pacific Beach to hang out with the Lange's and stay in their tent trailer.  What a great weekend we had!  Saturday was just beautiful and we watched some great sculpters at the sand castle contest.  Some people are so creative! Funny thing is, Tina and Kurt's neighbors from Everett were at the beach building a sand castle of their Husky dog named Dana.  We turned around to look at another team's sand castle and lo and behold, Zach said, 'Hey - I know those people!  That's Tracy's friends Dave and Sheri'!  Too funny!  We walked up to them and introduced ourselves and talked for a bit.  So friendly!  They were staying in nearby Seabrook.  What a small world.  Great weather, great fun and more margaritas!  The kids tried skim boarding but realized there was a learning curve.  They tried and fell but still had fun.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures while they were doing this.  Thanks Tina and Kurt for a fun time!